
Long waited opportunity

Postponed visiting ancestor's grave in Osaka would be performed this evening, long lasted rainy weather condition is the reason. As a matter for congratulation, the number of our relative is increasing, new born baby would come today. As for my family, in spite of strong desire to be a grand Papa, time passes so quickly. I have a cool morning after a long time, it is possibly to make use of Air-cooled VW Beetle even in the daytime regardless that the vehicle has air-conditioning system. It's a great joy to drive a Raw Car that has not any power assistance, such as steering power assist, power window and also power assisted brake, because the direct mechanical reactions makes me feel connected with the phenomenon directly. I can feel the thickness of rublicant applied between the crevices in axle construction, trans-axle and the moving parts of motor, rhythmical sound in combustion overlaps with my heartbeat. Probably this is why 50 years old vehicles are living even now?

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