
History repeats!

Since one and a half years, the reliability to make use of a diagnosis to define SARS CoV-2 was the least, so declared by the professionals in virology. It took time to transfer the method of diagnose into more distinctive way. The transition is so gradual and takes time as usual however clearly we know the correct way from the early time. Consequently Polimalase Chain Reaction test will be inhibited sooner or later, unreliability does not change from the beginning. It is very naturally said that the datum based on uncertain sources is nothing but void at all. So, the number of Positive person sounds so vainly that are cried every day on the radio information. Wrong remedies based on vain and wrong datum are gradually corrected so gently as not to stand out, bad and stupid memory will disappear as time passes, same kind of story repeats as usual. So is the same scenery is repeated in Afghanistan miserably as was seen in Saigon Vietnam when US Military Force deserted Southern Vietnam after keeping giving out a little as long as 20 years. Remembering a proverb, "History repeats!".

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