
Air cooled VW 1302S

In spite of rainy and cloudy climate today, went I out for ancient VW Beetle to Wakayama city.
Checking old car, the Beetle remembered me of 40 years ago, sweetest younger hood memories.
The frequency of conversations met each other, so later negotiations on the price would decide the epilogue of this affair.

Why now VW 1302S?
The automobiles I'm keeping have acquired ideal and innate performance recently. Then I lead my life like this with these autos. in future with no fascinating emotions? I don't change anything, I'll go so monotonous future life as to bored with accelerations.
Probablly the next machinery would be the final one for me, so deepest considerations are necessary before the next purchase.
Time consuming maintenance on comming VW 1302S that's 48 years old would be an adequate target for my future life.
Two torsion bar type frontal axle 1200 LS model had been experienced while my young hood for 50,000 km use in yellow color.
As for newer experience on VW air-cooled Beetle, sophisticated model, frontal strut and rear independent suspension constructive designing are preferred.
Another fascinate white beauty exists to tell the truth, same aged white 1302S but a bit newer with 25,000km. The word newer has special meaning here, very short period of time production differences caused critical problems on earth, black plastic trimmed craster facial and big and ugly tail lamps.
But the great advantage for this model is it's beautiful original painting like new car this is carried out be keeping it in the garage room with sealing.
Now I'm at a loss which to choose.


Rainy this morning, but it's not useless today. I'll think over to make use of this cloudy weather.
NET surfing yesterday introduced me about the variation of axle suspensions on ancient VW air-cooled Beetle at 1972-1973, in very short period of time modified beetles were produced. Frontal construction is strut and independent suspension was applied for rear axle instead of conventional two parallel tortion bars style. Thank to the modern designing strut model obtained smaller turning circle from 5,5m to 4,5m, judging from the body sise, 5,5m turnig circle was unconvenient for daily use especially garaging, in another words, the bigger turning circle is the disadvantage of parallel tortion bars design.
Additionally the baggage space were broadened with re-designing of fuel tank as secondary benefit on invitation of strut design.


Specific Steering Habit

Specific driving habit on steering action does not exist, because any kind of habit can be eliminated by adequate adjustments.
General cars shows almost the same steering reaction while straight running if the wheel alignments and constructive geometry are adjusted precisely and firmly established.
This tendency is to be seen in no relation with any design of axle suspension construction.
Torque steer reaction is utilized naturally on curvature with comfort and without conciousness, of course the frictions are the same on both sides. Realized I the satisfactory after enjoying the special automobile in Autumn fresh air last holiday.
Steering reactions are very similar between Opel Vectra and TOYOTA Starlet, both of them are ultimately adjusted and established the wheel alignments and geometric constructions with the accuracy that would probablly exceeds manufacturer's technology on these procedures.



Childish righteousness deteriorates the inter-relations between nations. Red China is required much chastity as a big country, more amelioration are necessary for their leaderships now.
Here written in the evening today:
Though the way of expressions differs each other, I found out that the same meanings as I wrote were stated in the editorials of Washington post & New York Times.

The quality of family use electric devices on Panasonic bland would reduced from now because the production in Southern East Asia is importing to Japan main land at lower price and with less quality, changing domestic dealing style, some morning news so stated .

As I had an opportunity to talk with intimate engineer before long who is specialized in automobile axle designing of some factory, I would like to describe about the discussions before I forget about it.

The accuracy of camber applications on automobile is very important, because the physical phenomena, camber thrust causes lateral vector similar to toe-in adjustment.
Consequently the camber values should be the same as those of manufacturer's datum exactly. And more importance is that the camber value on both sides should be precisely the same if they may differ from the decided datum a bit.


Classic Japanese Dance

Autumn festival in Sakai city Osaka was held on last Saturday, 25th September as usual. The exhibition was at Toga Cultural Center very close to Toga Mikita Sta. on Nankai Izumi Chuo Line.
Some agressive dancer was to be seen in the program, really outstandingly fine exhibition.
I felt Japanese Classic Dances are so active in Southern Osaka as to hold not a few exhibitions every year with active passions.

Axle adjustment

Tens years of experimental trial proved how much accurately an ordinal person can establish the geometry constructions and wheel alignment on general car.
Precisely established ground level. And automobile can move antero-posteriorly to release and open the internal stress in rubber materials, bushes and tires.
Avoiding spot distortions on the tire surfaces, the pressure was increased to the maximum 3kg/cm2. Unless this preparation, obtained datum differ considerably with no repeatability, it's because reduction of height invites increase of camber value due to supporting point goes outside.
Actually useful device for vertical inclination for camber measurement.
1719,75mm radius pendulum device was invented to read 2minutes on 1mm distance value.
For horizontal measurements, LASER equipped device is popular, but remember here, the measurement point should not be prepared on wheel surface but on vertical hub circle surface. The reason is that wheel manufacturing accuracy permitted 1mm error on their production.

Possible to keep Japan as an independent country without US assistance?
Neighbours are so sly and sturdy as to throw us difficult problems as if they were suffered from our failures.
Now the time is come to show clearly that the problems are not for our side but only caused by themselves.
Now peaceful group had known about the the necessity of military power like harvest needs water of rice field.
How shall we do in future, only argument in the party can unable to solve this problem.


Motor design

Comfortable noise and vibration of combustion must be discerned from Otto cycled engine while driving automobile, they are not only from exhaust sound but aslo from intake one from valve overlapping. This is one of a fundamental old charm of engines since 100 years ago, so many a driver is precluded from transferring to electric or hybrid car because of this fascination.
This is not a explainable phenomena how ever logically correct the newer technologies may be.

Once Henry Alfred Kissinger said,"If you dont know where you are going,every road will get you nowhere.". This is to the point for my son, look at your true purpose to do something and the final destination before you make the firs step. Remembering 3 years ago, you took my 3L SUBARU Legacy B4, costed 3,800,000 yen, then now how much replaced parts into 3rd party's ones? Removed original parts are fully useful and actively alive, thrown ones are just wasting, no?
Young person may do something deeply in some direction in some field until he is bored, because he would study and obtain many experiences and necessary informations and datum on the way that's useful for his future life.
I wanna ask you,my son,"When do you get up and open your eyes clearly?".

I went for a drive to watch some spider lily this morning. The auto EP82 TOYOTA Starlet had ultimate condition, meaning motor and axle setting, with comfort in autumn fresh air.
Japanese rice "Koshihikari" was bought at 2,300 yen per 5kg, relatively expensive because my neighbor sells almost the same at 1,800yen.
Now my keeping autos, BC7 SUBARU Legacy, XH200 Opel Vectra and EP82 TOYOTA Starlet need no more maintenances for the time being.
The central part of photo shows some harvest of rice under drying process.



Oriental largest nation who has long cultural history over 4,000 years may have historical dignity, character and chastity not to say utmost if they are in the scenery to be able to dictate at any rate.
Where the high-hand nationality by neighbour country comes from?
Because of the reduction by poverty for long time and now the arrogance of standing on the stage of the history?
I just remembered famous saying:
Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike.
— Theodore Roosevelt, American adventurer and 26th president (1858-1919)

New Generation Flat Motor

SUBARU has presented new generation BOXER engine on 23rd Sep. 2010. Completely new with longer stroke ratio, the value of stroke exceeds that of cylindrical diameter, never served before. Because of width restriction the designing was limited as short stroked flat engine, but this time the engineer overcame this fatal defect to change ordinal common sense,flat design lacks torque because of short stroke.
Judging from small frontal shot, twin cam, not cogged belt but chain connection, water pump driven with rib belt.
Probablly the height of cylinder head has reduced by special design and the height of cylinder block was increased.
Anyway long-awaited motor would be highlighted soon.
But remember the fact that the relatively high frequency noise ,over 2kHz caused by crank shaft vibration and new trans-axle CVT's mechanical construction. As experienced on 3L 6cylinders Legacy, I'm not fond of these 6th sense irritating noise, so the HF noise isolative technology must be invited for newer models.


Deaf ears

Fuel adjustment system by programmed computer is the most unlikely to be gotten fingered part by manufacture engineers.
The reason is that the system is deeply related with another functional systems, valve timing, valve lifting and emission controls. So the getting finger in ECU means destruction of firmly fixed fuel injection system destroying total balance ,no way to be improved in any directions.
My son in funny and crazy emotional condition is re-programing ECU in SUBARU 3L Legacy at \100,000, how come, turning deaf ears to me?

No concession!

No desire in negotiations for Senkaku islands, Chinese spokesman stated so?
Of course no negotiating is necessary because no territorial disputing exists.
Why did The People's Republic of China starts to insist the dominium of Senkaku island immediately after finding out the underground resources there in 1972, before that no declaration was served?
Crafty and impudent nationality never do that on earth, so I wanna believe.
No trip to Japan, No exporting rare earth metal, 4 Japanese engineers sent for Chinese conveniences were caught by Chinese authority, then what'll happen next?

Description in the evening:
Young people failed in negotiations behind with Red China, funny epilogue has pulled curtain. This is because isolated government with outer countries, just a layman and bad at internal negotiations with another sturdy countries.


Excellent Solar Power?

Solar power supply is good for the prevention of heat island phenomena? Is it really useful for anti-global warming?
Judging from the Energy Efficiency it's not so effective, only 19%, thermal power generation is 52% instead, so 4,7 times heat energy must be be left on the ground if Solar power system is used, latter system scatters CO2 around, so this one is not convenient for the idea of heat prevention. But hung a second here, the amount of Sunny light energy to the ground surface is 10,000 times of the consuming energy by mankind, so main reason of The Earth Heating is the exchanging the Sun Light Energy into Heat Energy. Once changed into heat energy, this is difficult to return back to Cosmos according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law,this is because of the longer frequency of Electromagnetic wave of heat energy.
Though the contents are already reported to IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), no statement about this important truth is performed by the Organization, why?


Love affair

NCP10 TOYOTA Vitz had enough capability to change my mind to normal condition, this is a frank impression after driving this morning. To write the truth,I was fascionated by 40 years air cooled Beetle with only 30,000 km running, there must be some connection with my old story to have lived with yellow Type-1 1200 cc standard model around 40 years ago, so air cooled motor Beetle is one of memorious automobile for me.
But the eye-opening performance of Vitz wiped away such kind of retrospective pragmatic idea throughly.
Ultimately sophisticated TOYOTA 2NZ-FE motor has continuously adjusted valve timing and valve lifting system, showing no shortness of breath up to 50,000 rpm.
Rack & pinion steering gear box and 4 disk brake system, with well pick-upped suspensions.
Where is the room to replace this Vitz into 40 years old Beetle?

Continental China

The reaction shown by Peoples Republic of China to Japanese attitude on the illegal Chinese fisherman proved how much hatred to Japan are integrated these 60 years.  These kind of hidden feelings never comes out while peace period of time, but in case of inconvenient affair like this time appears so clearly as some unforgettable feeling of hate.
Though they were invaded by Japan in WW2 period, not only Japan but also another western countries including US did it, no? That was one of historically miserable & disastrous period of time.
Let's hang a second here now, what has become of native American people? Where are they now? Isolated even now?
However hard efforts may be exerted by any white people like fronteer, that's nothing but actually the invasions by European immigrants to Americas? In short, US is established on invasions 300 years ago. No one argues about this, why?
Drawing out so old stories with no direct combinations would make the problem now so complicated, because some adequate executive apologies are prepared promptly.
Then how was that invasion on Japan land in 19th century by ancient China, those were tried twice but both of attacks had been failed because of seasonal typhoons.
Basically China and Japan are so to speak in dog and monkey relations each other with the yellow colored skin, no way to compromize leading to peace, before that much more fundamental problem makes them turn to the different directions each other. We never try to admire from the bottom of hearts the opposing nations each other.
Keeping it secret that both of the nations want to make little of them each other with some ways, but it's impossible because chronically political and economic relations would never permit them to do so.
Then what would happen next?


Machine wear

Strictly writing the machinery brakes on friction parts moving and rocking portion in case of lack of lubrication. So considerable life of machinery is guaranteed if some layer of lubricant may applied adequately. In another words, the lack of lubricant supply make the machinery scrap waste.
Some Chrome Molybdenum fine particle including grease application on power window regulator construction had took back original smooth action of 13 years old Vectra's window screen, locking solenoid linkage inside of the frontal door also.

There are several requirements for a normal automobile, running, turning and stopping.
Establishment of geometry in axle construction and wheel alignments are indispensable for former 2 requirements and the adequate balance of stopping power designing are also necessary for the latter. Appropriate balance of upper requirements are important for ordinal cars, this goes without writing, are very difficult to establish and to firmly fix, because they are the matter depending on human's 5 senses.
The reason why never desert I XH200 Opel Vectra is the well checked almost perfect balance of upper requirements.

I just remembered some idea to realize the imagination, "Change My Mindset" is the slogan from now. It may have something to do with American one, "Can-do spirit".
I must recognize the fact that I intentionally ignore what I can do myself with a little bit more efforts and let them some professional's works for money paying.
So, do not only what is easily done but also what is impossible or very difficult but would be possible with some additional a bit effort.
As the first step, try to remove mental barrier that prevents me to go ahead destroying the emotional constructions built by various self experiences, it's like a change of Mindset.
Anything is possible if it is done with strong will but if it's not done nothing is possible.


Pleasant info

BP has succeeded in stopping oil pilling in Mexican Bay at last!
Thanks to their desparate effort the more wasting of natural resources was avoided, it's the vest information these days.
I thought it might be impossible to close explosive hole by human's power and capability, they've done it on earth!

Today I'll organize my vacation, especially scattered automobile replacement parts.
Pressure regulator on compressor must be checked and adjusted from 5k to 7k, also the possibility to connect two compressors to utilize another one as an additional tank.
The key cylinder does not work well on XH200 Opel Vectra, so checking door locking system and doing power window constructions on right frontal and left rear windows promptly.
And car radio that reduces sensibility and effected by ignition noise must be checked especially on sufficiency of ground earth connection in amplitude modulation, including antennae booster's initially amplifying transistor, because of failures by natural thunder falling.

Frontal door inner cover was removed to check main cylinder key and grease up power window frame construction. Both of requirements were successfully fulfilled on XH200 Opel Vectra today.

In order to start DIY on my automobile some mindset must be changed, the anxiety to destroy precise computer system, to be unable to reassemble and to fix as they were the disassembled unaccustomed many parts like an original construction nor to invite some irreparable mistakes.
Such kind of mindset sometimes plays a trick like that, impossible for layman like myself to DIY on automobile servicing.
But it goes without writing that the informations in Web sites are so helpful as to have enough confidence in servicing on my oun automobiles. Additionally the advices by professionals were the best help on earth.
The first step to start anything often requires tremendous energy, but once started not so much difficulties were to be seen, so I think if turn back my own way these ten years.


Critical problem

Occasional sudden motor stop is the problem for XH200 Opel Vectra, solving the critical ploblem I'll make great efforts from now today.

The thrust angle of XH200 Opel Vectra was checked because of the necessity following after the replacement of frontal shock absorbers. Scaling with special device disappointed me, for no error was to be found out on the datum obtained scaling on hub points on both sides.
Today I regard that the wheel alignments and geometry were established and the servicing on Vectra would continue putting on emphasis mainly on periodical replacement parts.

I happened to drop in the FLAT-4 professional shop in Takarazuka this afternoon. The manager informed me various secrets without any hesitations, I felt some enthusiasms in his explanations, any periodical replacement parts are available in few days even now, but any luxurious requirements are not freely acceptable.
Now I'm not a little attracted self-attentions on YaHoo auction exhibition, Type-1 only 30,000km with strut front suspention and not lack and pinion but ball-recirculating steering gear box on flat frontal screen at 280,000 yen.
In order to proceed to next step being an applicant on the auction, my lovely ones,4 in total must be reduced in number, how shall I do?



Frontal axle and steering constructions of automobiles are so laid out as to provide various performances with stability not only while straight running but while turning phaze also.
The professional turm may be difficult to get accustomed to frankly using, but they must be understood if desired to scale and to adjust with DIY method.
First of all, to know and adjust the inclinations, camber angle values, with some accuracy special tool may be required. This vertical inclination is the most unstable and the most difficult to obtain repeatedly reproductive correct datum. Device installation errors and reading errors are the reasons.
The horizontal scaling and adjusting are relatively easier comparing with vertical ones under the conditions that the appliances are set so firmly parallel to the ground level with the LASER beam equipped device.

Occasional error is the most unpleasant phenomena on earth, because such kind of error causes unexpected trouble at an unpredictable moment, it's very unconvenient for me to rely on a indefinite machinery, XH200 Opel Vectra.
The trouble this time is following: Sudden motor stop without any precautions, restarting is possible and Check Engine lamp turns on and never disappear even after restarting. Leaving one night motor starts like nothing happened last night.
Noticing warning Morse signal are 0335 cam angle sensor n/a, 0340 crank angle sensor n/a and 0505 idle speed controller circuitry n/a. In case of permanent error of 0340 or 0505, motor never starts again, so the circuitry occasional openning is the most doubtful reason this time?

MITO AT is comming to Japan this autumn with new FIAT Turbo reinforced and with newest speed control system, being acquired European Motor of the Year last year.
The motor has so sophisticated speed control system as not with throttle valve but with valve lifting control by solenoid valve instead, so no throttle valve is equipped on the motor.
Today I happen to see MITO manual transmission previous model, so pretty and 4 pods opposing pistons calipers were set on the larger frontal disk rotor, fascinating devices were to be seen for enthusiasts.


Maintenance fee

The owner of 7 years old Volvo S40 paied 140,000 yen for battery and alternator replacements. The parts fee are 40,000 yen and handling and servicing are minute rest, expensive, no?
Battery for European standard is around 10,000 yen and rectifier, voltage regulator and slip ring cost 15,000 yen, so parts fee are 25,000 yen---?

XH200 Opel Vectra shows some unreliability and anxiety turning on Check Eg lamp occasionally. Defect of the wire harness in Engine room is the reason, decayed covering nylon material causes circuitry shortening occasionally being influenced by the temperature inside.


13 years old Opel Vectra

Siemens AG computer system, Simtec 56,5 is on board on my '97 Opel Vectra, shortening #5#6 pins in OBD2 coupler on center console would show the Morse noticing error codes as usual.
The codes shown this time are 0335, 0340 and 0505, cam angle sensor, crank angle sensor and idle control valve circuitry n/a promptly. The functions on Simtec ECU is the same as BOSCH patented ones produced under the licensure.
The fundametal problem is decayed wire covering nylon materials inviting occasional shorting phenomenon unexpectedly and suddenly.
This kind of trouble is so critical as to be fatal if the matter happens on the way in the deserts like Arizona, but here in Japan no ploblem in any critical problem in automobile, because the reliable safety net work is fully equipped everywhere and some rescue-car with lifter comes in a hour wherever it may happen.
Before that in narrower spaces in Japan the automobile itself is not always necessary, being well settled another alternative way to move everywhere here even in the country resions.
As keeping car in Japan is like doing adult's expensive toy, so I regard including myself.


Flying object

This flying object is far superior to artificial ones in aerodynamic characteristics, shape designs and colorings, so I think, right?
This jet fighter like design looks as fly so well with high acrobatic maneuver performances.

Kyoto Minamiza

Southern theater in Kyoto would show Misa Yamamura Suspense on coming October.
Great Shinnosuke Ikehata appears as usual on the program "Shinny love of flower lantern road in Kyoto".
We are looking forward to the next Minamiza Suspense Program.


New publication

Continental high pressure has come on our country this morning at last, now we have one of the most enjoyable season.
My intimate fried brought me a very interesting publication shown in the photo.
The authors are Prof. Tatsuo Sakai in Juntendo Medical School and Prof. Hisashi Hashimoto in Jikei Medical School. The title of the book is "Fully understandable Anatomy". Though the letters are relatively smaller, all of the inside are understandable even for the students in junior high school, the explanations are so easy with illustrations as to be understood by ordinal persons.
This kind of book is looked forward for long time not only by the specific professionals but also by medical students and co-workers.
Million seller book this will be, sure!

Finding out many moth larvae on the persimmon tree in my garden few days ago, but in this morning no moth were to be found out and leaves with some holes were left, how come? Already flew away, no, incredible, probablly some small birds came to clean up my garden.


Lens refuges

Not a few refuges are seeking special adapter matching with ancient silver acid generation's lenses and 4/3 digital format. The adapter has adequate flange back length with old lenses.
But deeper considerations would lead to the conclusion that such kind of delusions would be in vain, because recent computer designed lenses has superb performances even if with zooming mechanizms. Additionally digital formatting means digital lens tester at the same time, moreover Photoshop software has enough capability to modifiy the contrast, sharpness and transient.
Consequently the use of old lenses may be interesting for once or twice playing, but camera's total balancing point of view, no lens interchangeable designed high performance camera is recommended avoiding noisy dust powder invasions.

Risk manage.

22 years practice needs renewal of the office throughly. Preparations for the purpose is now starting. Finacial supports are the first, designing and management policy are following.

Solving ploblems easily is not so interesting, so the more curiosities are invited if the more significant the matter is.

Continental high pressure would exceeds Pacific one this evening, so expected Autumn season starts at last! The hottest temp. in the day time would never happen. Several waited planning would performed with pleasures.


Tasks on NCP10

Drive shafts replacement on NCP10 TOYOTA Vits would be performed today. This kind of trouble is the 2nd time for me since 30 years ago on former SUBARU Leone. Before replacements the grease inside of new drive must be exchanged into new harder one. Because the recall information said that the inconveniences was caused by to much moistened including water one by their mistakes.
Unreliable steering reactions remain because of fundamental problem, too much deformable compliance bushes on arm hinge portions. In order to clear and to solve this chronic habit of NCP10, frontal lower arm replacements in to Bb model's parts equipped rubber filled bush would be effective costing 13,500 yen per a side. The fact that over 50,000km used strut upper mounts are also necessitated in four positions. One piece constructed piston rod supports should be also replaced at the same time.

Drive shaft's works for Vitz were postponed because of hottest climate today.
Check Engine lamp had turned out today on XH200 Opel Vectra again as usual. OBD-2 mock 16 pins coupler is used to shorten #5 and #6 to show the Morse signal information, resulting #0335, #0340 and #0505, camshaft sensor and crunk angle sensor, latter is unknown?
B-Vectra is interesting because it never goes without any troubles all the time, but she is so nice if her internal stabilities are attained.


Way of expressions

To tell the truth writing English is the most unfavorite attitude for me, taking time and needed sweating works. Recently I realized why writing in English is so troublesome for me, in spite of long educational intervals as long as 11 years in school. First of all the necessity to use English, so far as we are in Japan and without any foreign friend, no need to use it. The manners and customs to use and importance is this, to think anything in English.
As for me it was not possible to express myself in English enough until I consider everything in English on earth.

Today's lesson is to endure in some severe but trifle situation without any marked response.This kind of training is very important to be a dealer in some field. No fighting, no quarreling and no sharp corners are the way for a dealer, difficult so much for a younger person.

Finding out the topic,"Palestinian mortar targets Israeli kindergarten", in Israel Today web information, at last their final stage is come, really so I think.

In the afternoon today EP82 TOYOTA Starlet was the target.
3mm error on 2300mm wheel base had been causing unexplainable right side running tendency for long period of time. Today I wiped the problem out completely. The adjusted thrust angle was minus 4,490 minutes(angle value).


Error corrections

Daily description on literary miscellany is useful for me to maintain mental stability and to organize my cortex construction in integrated condition.

Finding out right side running tendency on EP82 TOYOTA Starlet yesterday, that physical phenomena must be caused by ill-rear alignment, swung rear end, different wheel base value and thrust angle, because frontal alignments, setback, cambers and toe-in values were firmly set up few days ago.
More precise scaling and adjustments in frontal alignments on XH200 Opel Vectra are necessary, because of the errors caused by previous shock absorbers replacements procedures , this kind of smallest errors are often critical for steering reactions.
Probably coming holidays would be pre-occupied by the upper tasks.

The best advantage of FLAT 4 motor is the height based on the horizontal lay out of cylinders. Then how about the thickness of the bonnet design of newest SUBARU Legacy B4?
Why so thick and stout frontal design? It might not fully take advantage of unique engine construction?
Why does SUBARU designers wanna catch the epidemics?


Motor performance

30 minutes driving early in the morning proved the utmost performances of the motor and the axle on XH200 Opel Vectra were obtained. The special design on GM X20 motor, the roots are FORD DFV racing motor,the intake manifold length adjustable mechanism were effectively active over 4,000rpm, I actually felt the switching over phenomena this morning.
Servicing on the axle of Vectra, replacement of shock absorbers and supporting rubber seats were as effective as to make me feel like new one.

Additionally another 30 minutes driving on NCP10 TOYOTA Vitz proved the accuracy of wheel alignments and geometry constructions, and the wonderful motor performance, newly designed 2NZ-FE sophisticated engine. Specially designed head has continuously adjusting valve timing and valve lifting effective at over 4,500rpm, just I feel it like a dreamy motor remembering my younghood over 45 years ago working on the ancient YAMAHA 2TG twin-cam motor.



Finally we've got rain fall a bit yesterday, expecting some climate changes. After passing through of several typhoons, temperature outside would become cooler and cooler soon. Not a few evens are going to hold this month, influencing me as a busy person.
My son would decide the future direction in the university, coming into the graduate school or attending to the faculty as a member.
In any cases, he would not come back to OSAKA.


Waiting for Autumn

The typhoon #9 is coming soon, so the climate pressure balance would be changed into Fall's one, so I hope. Otherwise Autumn fun events do not start in every field.
Also my hobby, automobile servicing does not go forward.
Several tasks are waiting for my efforts on coming holidays. Now new parts order are not necessary for servicing this time. Drive shafts replacements on NCP10 TOYOTA Vitz are the main events, grease replacement procedures are required because the original grease contains some water to rust the ball joint parts, coller and balls,dusty and dirty work it'll be.


Camber accuracy

In spite of hottest climate yesterday, performed I the frontal camber adjustments on XH200 Opel Vectra following strut shock absorber replacements last week.
Whenever I adjust the wheel alignments, I remember the fact and the truth below.
Unbalanced frontal negative camber application causes unexplainable unpleasant driving feel for every vehicle.
Though self steering reactions on both sides tries to go straight, another factors like thrust and uneven rear alignments cause unexpected reactions on the steering.
In such a circumstance driver is obliged to concentrated to keep straight running with continuous adjustment without conciousness, leading nervous fatigue.
We must recognize the fact that even expensive devices have not enough accuracy on camber scaling and adjusting to talk about the value in seconds revel, because of the the methods and device constructions.
Remember any specific steering habits do not exist, another words, any habit are caused by ill setting of wheel alignments and geometric constructions.
So good corrections of them make it possible to establish the best alignments by adjusting precisely in any automobiles.

Camber inclination must be adjusted in accordance with the toe-in value at the same time, because frontal handling mechanical construction includes another elements, caster trail, steering axis inclination and scrub position. They have intimate relations intertwined each other, so if the camber value were adjusted into adequate inclination, another values were affected into different values, yes, interacting each other. This is the reason why the adjustments on frontal wheel alignments are so difficult as to easily prone the errors in actual scenery.
The mechanical engineer is obliged to adjust camber and to-in at the same time at the moment,being required very special recipies?


Multiple-drug resistance

The problem occured on multiple-drugs resistant bacteria in a relatively smaller hospital in restricted resion, but soon infectious effect would come to big cities.
Neisseria species are, however, only low-dimensional inflammatory bacteria always exist and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
It's a very natural phenomena that some strong bacteria survive after strongly effective antibiotics were applied in newer generation.
This kind of problem would occur one by one and one after another in future so long as newer and more effective antibiotics were invented and scattered in the field.

In spite of hottest climate, did I frontal negative camber adjustment on XH200 Opel Vectra this afternoon, only right side needed 23 minutes reduction on the standard value, 60 minutes.
As described previously the linkage end connecting shift lever and position sensor is modifiable utilizing PEUGEOT stabilizer link end parts shown in the photo.


Stuffy nights lasting

Intolerably stuffy nights are lasting these days, how come? How about typhoons? Are you dropping in somewhere on the way? Hundreds of geriatrics went away because of heating by unmovable Pacific high pressure over our country. Get away here, please!

Wheel alignments on XH200 Opel Vectra are checked and adjusted this afternoon, following to the frontal shock absorber replacements on last Thursday, all of 4 wheel alignments should be re-adjusted so precisely as to satisfy the standard central values.
DIY special tool for camber measurments and adjustments would play a good performance this time also.

Replacement of wire cable between shift lever and shift position sensor costed 30,000 yen summed up by regular dealer in additions some screening coloring plays with automotive vehicle dispatching. They must make the customer feel the vehicle could not move by itself at all,so great helps with some exagerated playing game was necessary at that scenery. Imported German Opel Vectra should have some special ceremony?
If the dealer mechanic could adjust the unconnected shift position sensor manually and might move so easily in front of the customer, the charges at later date must had been much lower. The seasoning recipes by the experienced great dealer are excellent to control customer's mind well.
Small ball joint rubber insert parts costing 10 yen could play as 30,000 yen for cable wire assembly parts, how come?


Economic stability?

Now is the time to buy European goods at 40% less!
Japanese Yen is utilized as only an emergency money.
Also 4 times worthy more than that of 30 years ago in US.
The strategy not only on exporting but also on integrated global economic ones are required.
Available for new leader?

Precise wheel alignments procedures are being required for XH200 Opel Vectra after frontal shock absorbers replacement yesterday. Tire pressure must be increased to 3kg/cm2 in order to prevent deformations of tires leading to measurement errors.


Smoking effects

Refraining from smoking has made it clear that a temporary anesthetic effect by toxic components dampened my intuition. So self five senses including sixth one are influenced by smoking attitude to dull and lazy direction. Remembering me of the study that Sympathetic and Parasympathetic balance is closely related with the secretion of insulin and adrenalin.

Waiting am I for some typhoons to come near our country desiring the destruction of atmospheric balancing, weakening of Pacific Ocean high atmospheric pressure and inviting Continental one instead.

However patiently I may wait for much more cooler climate, I decided to go ahead even in this hottest temperature, 36 degree outside.
Frontal shock absorbers were replaced on XH200 Opel Vectra after 150,000km use. I regret the task today should be performed at the same time when strut upper mounts had been replaced last month. Though the impressions should be noted after some adequate wheel alignment, I dare say that she has become better into more coupled.


Refrain from smoking

Today I'll stop smoking as previously decided.
The circulatory failure, gene disruption and inguinal lymphoma formations are the reasons, now is the time to stop habitual smoking.
According to my smoking history this will continue so long probablly until I would go.