
Interesting recipe today

For the better idling stability Bocar 34PICT3 carburetor in VW 1302 Super Beetle will be re-adjusted in combination with the requirements, point gap and ignition timing, 0,40mm at BTDC 7,5 degree.

Ignition plugs will be checked also to know the validity of A/F mixture ratio that has been neglected for long time.

1 or 2 adjusting sim in AC generator drive pulley must be moved outside for more tightening of fun drive belt tension. Trifle but indispensable maintenance would be performed today.

XH200 Opel V-Vectra is at servicing pit, so trans-mission position sensor switch would be checked, upper pitching stopper part would be replace and so on.

As for BC7 SUBARU Legacy LSi US model, no other necessity of maintenance is to be found except motor oil replacement that has been used more than 18 month unusually, the reason is Microflon application 6 months ago.

No increase of threatening mechanical vibration is observed unusually and surprisingly the smoking phenomena experienced at least once a month disappeared, no smoking is observed since a half a year ago that is caused by oil peeing while parking to cylinder from valve stem guide inner surface and by hardened and specific worn valve stem seal probably 1 or two.

Air conditioner compressor makes a strange noise when used, this may be caused by lack of lubrication lost in combination with gas leakage, added several times cooling gas only.

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