
Unstable & busy

Critical earthquake might happen in Europe because of Spanish financial crisis in very near future destroying Euro single currency system, then participating countries, especially Germany are held up this Climax? We cannot be an outsider if such kind of tragedy might happen far from Eastern Asia, because we are connected each other globally, so the unwell result would affects immediately after the crisis in a second. Activation of the financial community shall not be done until some big affair happens shaking the world, it should not be the third world war again, so I hope.

My son worked well in our new laboratory safe for the first time. Once a week as his day is at the beginning, his participation to our work would be increased in number gradually, then finally he would come back to Osaka settling himself somewhere around us constructing his own new family.

Takara Axis90 working chair would be moved from Mino to Osaka this morning, as all had been arranged previously.
Some maintenance service have to be done after the settlement, the oil pressure return hoses must be set first before 5 connections, compressed air, water, sewage, vacuum air and AC line including lighting switch line.
As some trouble, my private room in new laboratory would be occupied by this machinery, so my own room disappears, how come?

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