
VW 1302 steering gear box

The information about the steering gear box on Air-Cooled VW 1302 Super Beetle revealed that the replacement parts for right side steering model are not produced by any suppliers all over the world. It means that the life of right steering 1302 Beetle is decided only by that of Worm gear in the steering box on earth!

Finding out a very seldom auction in YaHoo, I've got it at relatively high originally served price 5,000 yen, though the gear box had been equipped in 1303 early model, for later one had Rack & Pinion designing.
Experienced seller was so conscientious according to my several experiences, the price on the steering box this time may not so great, because I have never come across with this specific old parts even in e-bay.
Any way I will disassemble the gear box few days later at the latest on coming Thursday, I'm looking forward to doing that.

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