
Value on tax system

An automobile that has some bad habit on handling would be deserted relatively soon with no attachment. And several times of the critical failure also deaden a feeling to continue the same automobile in future. Actually no failure exists that cannot be mended, all the car could be survive if it is repaired.

Almost of second handed automobile has such a individual-specific history promptly. One of the expensive machinery is an automobile comparing with another family use equipments, and this is true that the depreciation rate of an automobile is incredibly high.

Especially according to the recognition of the tax system in Japan, a new car experienced 6 years after registration plate has no value, basically free of charge, however expensive it might be after the production? Also this is true that even a car with over 6 years old may have some reasonable price tag.

To tell the truth, BC7 SUBARU Legacy LSi US model had been obtained as a new car by me, but ill and ugly wheel alignments obliged me to released 17 years ago. Of course several attempt to adjust the axle constructive condition, even the SUBARU Technical Center could not repair and mend the bad steering condition at all at last. I knew that the owner of BC7 would be released, then I could asked a favor from him to return it free of charge.

Consequently, starting point was 10 years ago to correct the axle construction and to adjust the wheel alignment.
What to be scaled, where to start and finish to measure, how to do it and in what kind of method should be invited to analyze datum, then how many times must the procedure should be repeated?

The questions were solved one by one, one after another requiring over ten years were necessary to establish the orderly repeatable manners of the method.
The accuracy the first is the Slogan in my mind all the way.
Elaborate plans would continue:

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