

Cluster destruction of HD in my computer prevented me from describing daily blog yesterday, but thank to my son's effort to recover it's function, internet circumstance in my own working place was recovered last night. He insists some payback for his reward on this work, how come, i7 CPU & newest mother board at 60,000 yen. So, my broken computer required very high repair cost. Never to spend a plenty of money if there are no immediate family to the unreasonable requests, because I often come to this conclusion, our quarrels does not die.

As for the operation on VW 1302 Super Beetle's interior, long lasted and being suffered strange mold smell has almost disappeared by my own desperate efforts on a unfamiliar works. In addition, unexpected emergency surgery in my medical business had strayed on Saturday in the morning, I was exhausted both physically and mentally, actually it took time unusually in the process, leading to breaking my health condition a bit, I was ill in bed all day long before yesterday, as to make me feel not to do anything. Though I don't recommend that I have come to the age of feeling the decline of physical fitness.

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