
All day long

The heavy,useless and space occupying huge air-conditioner compressor had already been unburdened on last Thursday as mentioned, doubled crank pulley for compressor was removed, belt tension was also sim adjusted at the same time.
As the heavy weights removal on the rear over hung, the rear height increased about 5mm up.

Third party(probably) main muffler was fitting adjusted and fixed firmly requiring 5 hours for precise adjustment.

The spark plugs were replaced from Bosch platinum to ordinal NGK H5SH finding out on the way that #4 plug was not tightened enough inviting gas leaking. The plug gaps for new replacement were adjusted precisely at the value, 0,700mm going without writing.

The spark ignition coil must be repositioned at original place that was displaced into right side on the shroud because of compressor burdening. The high tension center code would reduce the length as the original design, the progress of ignition performance would be desired.

Though the compressor and supporting constructions were removed, the condenser in the cabin and evaporator with hosing and wiring are not removed.

Retarding ignition timing 5 degree ATDC causes rough idling and unstable,so any adjustments of modifying of the distributor system must be invited to keep comfortable VW Beetle driving.

Also stick tendency on automatic choke system must be checked by disassembling the system.
Several inconveniences are left as residual tasks to be continued.

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