
Difficuty in keeping condition

The increase of ceder pollen scattering has much to do with global warming recently. In the atmospheric condition, someone might be suffered from troublesome symptoms especially on mucosal tissue, itching, blister swelling, etc.. Actually, one of my friend has been done when he passes through Kii Peninsula once a week.

Net surfing to obtain the information about SUBARU AWD system lets me know how much researches and developments participated in the manufacturing productions had been done for these 20 years interval.
Anyway long term trial would start from now to conquer the problem on intermediate differential gear equipped in BC7 SUBARU Legacy LSi US model, that is multi-plates transfer system controlled by magnetic duty solenoid, there is some anxiety if I might destroy it in appearance of non-renewable? Not a few second-handed used automatic trans-axles in YaHoo Auction are exhibited, some of them might be helpful in case of falling into irreversible accident while a future maintenance processing as I did for ABS control mechanical unit before?

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