
Equivalent numbers?

The percentage of people whose emotions precede the logic may be considered to be equivalent to the number of vaccinated people in Japan. Information that incites fear is repeatedly disseminated on TV and radio, and as a result, an unconscious and biased sense of individual justice is formed among people. That is the evidence that the government's statement so far is incorrect and has been corrected many times, but when different information is repeated many times, people do not complain and follow it.

The Nazi party propaganda that was once held in Germany more than 80 years ago is still being held in Japan. It is a terrifying phenomenon that turns into justice when lies are repeated. The birth of mask police and vaccine police shows exactly this trend. 

In the past, radio was the only way to get information, but now we should be aware that we are in a lucky environment with completely different conditions. Beyond the LCD, the World Library is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you can get information from all over the world in real time. You can browse as many papers as you like in your specialized field. We are in a dreamlike world. You should be aware of that. The era of broadcasting, which relies on scheduled distribution at a fixed frequency, is already over.

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