
Don't be a fool!

Weather forecast tell that the colder below 10 degree than yesterday and the coldest time is around noon, better stay at home, in spite of severe condition if you go out, prepare utmost, for example, fulfill the fuel tank of you car, food for emergency and additional battery for your smartphone. Anyway, an extraordinary freezing air temperature changes everything into unusual, so take best care of yourself!

If the logic is constructed in correct way, such a conclusion cannot be reached, but in Government-affiliated public relations distort the logic into trying to lead to the goal of Vaccination with loud announcement making use of people's fear and anxiety. This strange phenomenon will continue for the time being. 

On the other hand, opposing statements in YouTube are erased immediately without exception if it isn't a mear opinion but that based on the Scientifically proven truth and fact. So, there might be some Dark Matter behind of them.

"Imprinting, misunderstanding, prayer, curs, etc. do not work at all in the World of Science."

We should not forget the miserable massacre we experience 80 years ago, nothing but our own strong Homosexiarity and synchronized pressure guided ourselves to the Hell direction.

Don't be a fool to repeat exactly the same though the enemy this time is invisible Viruses!

God knows everything and the punishment shall definitely comes down!

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