
Favorable YS45FR & ST40X

Remembering YS 60 FR period of time 30 years ago, the setting the condition of YS 45 FR has almost completed including tuned pipe extension length. Adjusting the regulator angular position at the nearest point to the over closure while middle speed rotation, the transition came to smooth attitude, from lo to middle and middle to hi. This position is much closing in rotated angular position than predicted.
Now Chinese made ARF trainer model "Hornet" has enough capability to play and to draw F3A-P17 pattern maneuver without any stress.
Italian made beautiful ancient gas motor, Super Tiger X40 arrived at my hand from Yahoo Auction at reasonable price. It's a matter for surprise that I can obtain a superb NIB condition item 50 years later from the production. The anxiety that anything might be lost after long period of time interval, some small but indispensable part such as a side pull cotter pin to hold the carburetor body on the rear cover plate, careful checking through the transparent plastic envelope(looks original shield)  proved that all the necessary parts are included. Instruction paper and certificate also.

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