VW 1302 Super Beetle has acquired it's original physical performances after rear toe adjustment into adequate value, from negative to positive. Quick, vivid and light pleasantness while driving has been obtained and the efforts to adjust the wheel alignment of rear axle have been rewarded. What is supposed to be necessary should be done however tired and hard task it may be to cause arm muscle pain after that.
Official papers have been prepared for garage parking place certification and the dealing is moving on newly ordered SUBARU BRZ for my son? Then how would be model BLE that he is now using, keep it or desert it away?
Disagreement friend 6 month ago came back to me again yesterday, I felt so happy because the affair broke out by my own mistake and discord. I must talk with him more deeply on our past problems.
Finding out how to peep into the deep inside of my emotion is one of my lasting challenge for tens of years. Mr, Keiichirou Hirano who is one of an Akutagawa Prize novelist has been publishing a few books in relations with the title. I'm going to try one of them, hoping that would be of some help to me to know "What I am?".
First generation Elmar 135/4,5
The first generation triplet L-Elmar 135/4,5 had been set into Minolta 135/3,5 barrel to be operated on SLR camera X-700 automatic exposure silver salt film body. Now, it is about to being modified again to adopt with Canon EOS Digital format, suppose that an original production over 60 years ago did not have any range finder coupling design, with all sophisticated digital format body it might be frightened to stand on a new stage?
Accidents yesterday
I received two bad information yesterday that I wanted to refuse, noticing their death reports. Both of them should not go because of age far younger than I am. Some rapid metastasis of cancer must be the reason. Though it is their profession, they could not ride over malignancy in their own bodies. Thinking over their family left alone without any emotional and financial support, just it's sorry so much.
As seasons change, I hope this kind of information should not follow after these affairs.
As seasons change, I hope this kind of information should not follow after these affairs.
ROKKOR-PG 50/1,4
I've been paying attentions to the potentials on the capability of resolution and reproduction of especially texture of human skin. Minolta Rokkor 50/1,4 for manual and silver salt film demonstrate the ability to reproduce the texture on the transparency, exactly the same result was obtained when I caught a smaller subject dressed yesterday. I prefer to shooting infant's cute cheeks with Rokkor 50/1,4 without any argument. Tightness of the images are not always strong enough, still I could obtain sweet transparencies. The property of just a friend to eyes is not provided by the residual spherical aberration like ancient Leitz Summar 50/2,8, but by some intentional seasoning by Multi-casting method introduced at that period of time. I have no regret to have modified this old Minolta optics adopting onto Canon EOS Digital format.
Minolta manual focusing SLR lens MC Rokkor 50/1,4 was modified to adopt on Canon EOS Digital mount successfully. Though a little effort was required to adjust the rear part of lens element case in the narrower mirror box(lack of lens back distance), the most backward infinity position was acquired without any optical additive like a mount adapter in the market, but just with it's innate adjusting mechanism. This old Minolta but with excellent and ultimate optical performances would be tested today.
Also, L Emar 90/4(ELANG) was modified to do on Digital format that had been done on Minolta lens barrel already, so the same manner as I did on Minoltas. An antique over 60 years ago has now survived like a phoenix on Digital format!
Of course I know that this kind of modification might be somehow lopsided way of enjoying photography hobby, I dare do like this because I want to make it possible what impossible by myself.
Consideration on Thrust Angle
Deeper consideration on "Thrust Angle" in an automobile led me some conclusion that the steering linkage constructive design should have any way to cheat a driver as if the driven car might has no discrepancy in wheel alignments and constructive axle geometry. There must be some suspicion in the setting of steering rack case mounting mechanism, too much compliance might be applied sometimes with hysteresis phenomena. Actually, any precise wheel alignment adjustments are not performed by a manufacturers for passenger's automobiles, just assembling the parts with pre-dimensioning, final setup and adjusting procedures are omitted for cost saving principle. Especially, Japanese Road Trucking Vehicle Act does not have this important regulation except frontal side slip value, within plus minus 5mm/m. On the other hand, European Vehicle Safety Standard regulates the thrust angle within plus minus 10 minutes angle value. I happen to see some secret paper in ***ks **en Japan AG, the tolerance in thrust angle has been rewritten from 10 minutes in Germany into 20 minutes for the export to Japan. Suppose, no regulation exists on thrust angle tolerance in Japan, it takes some cost to re-adjust the trust error to adopt with European Standard, then what opinion would come out in the manager's mind of the manufacturing factory?
SD card inside?
I happened to catch lost SD card in a pond last Thursday in Miyama Northern Kyoto. It was broken naturally, so I tried to see inside of it without destruction. X-Ray system was used to peep into inside of it, Hagiwara 2GB.
Do you think it possible to repair manually to see this?
Do you think it possible to repair manually to see this?
Thrusts adjusted
I have succeeded in establishing wheel alignment of two TOYOTA automobiles yesterday, though I was afraid of severe tasks for the purposes, a little efforts were enough to overcome them.
As I imagined, Altezza had minus thrust angle and toe out setting to be adjusted as left rear lateral arm shorter 0,40mm, actual measuring and calculations utilizing trigonometric function. I worked in a single attempt for SXE10. Of course some stable and unmovable steering reaction was obtained after that as to make me feel to continue this automobile much longer from now.
As for NCP10 Vits, also had minus thrust angle. At the beginning, rear axle construction with rigid torsion beam designing should make it difficult to be corrected at zero thrust, some idea made it very easy to do that. Just loosening rear right beam axle hinge bolt, side brake on and motor on with sift position o Drive, under this condition re-tightened the bolt. The trailing arm hinge bush would be fixed in 1G condition avoiding any stress while an automobile stands still on the ground and the compliance bush embedded in the trailing arm hinge portion should be positioned at the highest relation with the supporting bracket. So supported the body weight with the lever action of trailing arm design as a matter of fact. On the other hand, the compliance bush would be fixed in the most posterior position under the condition that stress by frontal wheels was born, to be precise, rearward and upward. As the result, the torsion beam axle would be twisted toward clockwise with this method.
The backlash clearance is smaller than 1mm at all, but this value is enough to perform physical change of thrust angle.
Marking on the steering column is a good indication to know an individual habit, the rate of resistance felt on the steering wheel and the position while straight running. This method has enough accuracy to observe the error of thrust angle of 4 wheel vehicles. It's very often the case that two steering wheel positions are observed while straight running if the driven automobile has thrust angle, the range is broader, the error is more ugly. This two positions steering phenomena is caused by the offsetting effect of self steering action of frontal axle constructive design, caster, SAI and scrub. And the rate and balance of the action changes regarding on the road shifting back and forth, start and stop, hill climb and down. Consequently, I regard "Zero Thrust" when the steering centric discrepancy disappeared.
L Elmar 90/4
Old Lieca Elmar 90/4 lens has been set in Minolta MC Rokkor 50/1,4 barrel to obtain the more performance on an automatic accurate exposure SLR body, New X-700 20 years ago, iris control was used on Minolta original construction for the convenience. As we know, X-700 body accepted any modified lenses regardless internal EV measuring meter coupling. Shutter speed was decided controlled by the input signals reflected from the random pattern on the former shutter curtain. The time lug after shooting was just the period of micro processing.
This lens would be modified to adopt on Canon EOS Digital body in the same manner as did. The amber color deviation of this lens would be easily compensated by Photoshop program, because of the production period over 40 years ago while the B&W silver salt age, this kind of disadvantage is inevitable, but with triplet designing would produce some different transparencies, I'm looking forward to see the results on digital format.
Thrust angle on SXE10 Altezza
I have made up my mind to set up the thrust angle in SXE10 TOYOTA Altezza today. As the frontal constructive geometry and wheel alignment are already set up last time, so I can concentrate myself into a critical establishment of the rear axle construction today.
Tire air pressure would be raised up to 3kg/cm2 to avoid the influences because of tire spotting distortion while measuring and adjusting.
Put the same weight 70kg as a driver on driver's seat to reproduce some actual driving phase.
Setback measurement to ascertain the set up accuracy.
Wheelbase measurement to do the same as Setback.
Understanding of the current situation of 3 dimensional rear rear wheel inclination, camber, total toe(probably minus value), and it's direction(thrust angle).
Especially, camber values would be set at the standardized one, 58 minutes following to manufacturer's instruction evenly on both sides.
Stable and comfortable driving would be obtained after the interesting work today, as done on VW 1302 Super Beetle the other day.
The same kind of scaling and adjustment would be continued on NCP10 TOYOTA Vitz if my alertness and stamina would be remained after Altezza.
Tire air pressure would be raised up to 3kg/cm2 to avoid the influences because of tire spotting distortion while measuring and adjusting.
Put the same weight 70kg as a driver on driver's seat to reproduce some actual driving phase.
Setback measurement to ascertain the set up accuracy.
Wheelbase measurement to do the same as Setback.
Understanding of the current situation of 3 dimensional rear rear wheel inclination, camber, total toe(probably minus value), and it's direction(thrust angle).
Especially, camber values would be set at the standardized one, 58 minutes following to manufacturer's instruction evenly on both sides.
Stable and comfortable driving would be obtained after the interesting work today, as done on VW 1302 Super Beetle the other day.
The same kind of scaling and adjustment would be continued on NCP10 TOYOTA Vitz if my alertness and stamina would be remained after Altezza.
Modified old Minolta MC Rokkor 50/1,7 adapting on Canon EOS mount plays a excellent performance with wonderful resolutions. No recent sophisticated recent designed variable focal length zoom lens can exceeds this old optics, once deserted as a industrial waste.
I have some modified Leica lenses modified to adopt on old Minolta SLR bayonet mount while silver salt period, so these satisfactions done by the attempts shows some tiny light dot to survive on EOS Digital mount, it's a good news isn't it?
Automatic iris closure system often makes a photographer neglect to check the condition of out-focusing conditions, anterior and posterior blurring. On the other hand, manual iris control system never happens such kind miss-shooting, this is one of a advantage for this modification.
Rear toe correction on VW 1302 Super Beetle has acquired it's innate performance just like a different automobile revealing how deeply the rear wheel alignment and axle constructive geometry has much to do with a car riding taste. Unnatural and unpleasant steering action are not always attributed by frontal axle construction, but mainly by rear constructions.
20 degree of atmospheric temperature decrease these days has proved that the adequately adjusted air volume control screw on Solex 34PICT3 carburetor equipped in air-cooled Beetle plays a good part of it's performances including in relation with automatic choke system even after the condition of thermostat opened(out of order).
Japanese current administration has exposed the terminally ill being bankrupted on earth by trying to an appoint on behalf of the Minister of Justice predecessor for gangster, people are turning their back on all of Executive Office already, so Regime change is now.
I have some modified Leica lenses modified to adopt on old Minolta SLR bayonet mount while silver salt period, so these satisfactions done by the attempts shows some tiny light dot to survive on EOS Digital mount, it's a good news isn't it?
Automatic iris closure system often makes a photographer neglect to check the condition of out-focusing conditions, anterior and posterior blurring. On the other hand, manual iris control system never happens such kind miss-shooting, this is one of a advantage for this modification.
Rear toe correction on VW 1302 Super Beetle has acquired it's innate performance just like a different automobile revealing how deeply the rear wheel alignment and axle constructive geometry has much to do with a car riding taste. Unnatural and unpleasant steering action are not always attributed by frontal axle construction, but mainly by rear constructions.
20 degree of atmospheric temperature decrease these days has proved that the adequately adjusted air volume control screw on Solex 34PICT3 carburetor equipped in air-cooled Beetle plays a good part of it's performances including in relation with automatic choke system even after the condition of thermostat opened(out of order).
Japanese current administration has exposed the terminally ill being bankrupted on earth by trying to an appoint on behalf of the Minister of Justice predecessor for gangster, people are turning their back on all of Executive Office already, so Regime change is now.
Succeeded MC 50/1,7
Following my determination this morning, I have been fighting with the difficulty to set up MC Rokkor 50/1,7 on EOS Digital. O,5mm discrepancy on flange back values was compensated by helicoid setting adjusting points as imagined. Though physical impossibility of compatibility because of flange back distances as there is, MC lens constructive design to adjust infinity position of focusing ring made it possible to set back the lens component 0,5mm posteriorly. Thanks to shining 1,7 iris position, focusing is easy when it is fully opened. However deeply the recent zoom lens was considered to obtain excellent performances, to which one can this MC Rokkor 50mm standard focal length lens can be the second?
To tell the truth, I have some hidden intention to do the same on the most excellent lens in Minolta that wears the pride of workmanship that can be world-class, MC Rokkor 50/1,4 with full metal lens element case and metal helicoid system. Probably I would come to a goal with 1,4 lens relatively easily supported by the already known information of experienced two MC lenses.
To tell the truth, I have some hidden intention to do the same on the most excellent lens in Minolta that wears the pride of workmanship that can be world-class, MC Rokkor 50/1,4 with full metal lens element case and metal helicoid system. Probably I would come to a goal with 1,4 lens relatively easily supported by the already known information of experienced two MC lenses.
Rainy this morning
Rewiring of power supply has been undergoing all through the night just in front of my laboratory. This kind of reconstruction is inevitable for the Development Station here. Not a few Special Purpose Vehicles with Crane Outrigger were terminated in our neighborhood.
As for old Minolta MC Rokkor 50/1,7 lens modification converting on Canon EOS Digital mount, flattening of flange surface was performed to insert 100/1000 mm thickness sim between the construction. Some empty aluminum can was utilized for the purpose making holes with special circular device. Old grease was removed thoroughly to change heavier friction resistance into lighter movement of focusing ring following as later models. Microflon powder would be applied in helicoid grooves. Probably final setting of infinity position of lens element would be done today.
Cause and result
As I mentioned yesterday, tire wear especially with the cross-sectional stepping one is a good index to know the actual condition of wheel alignment and constructive axle geometry. Excessive toe in value invites outer side inconvenient wear on the tire tread surface for rear wheels, uneven wear shows some thrust discrepancy, on the other hand, too much outer direction of toe value on frontal wheels does outer side. But, remember here, all of 4 wheels interact with each other with balancing condition. Anyway, strange steering reaction while driving an automobile would encompass any error in wheel alignment and axle constructive geometry. Careful checking and actual scaling of constructive error reveal the result of the cause exactly as usual. Physics never tell a lie.
Tire wear
The wear condition no tire tread surface shows how the automobile has been driven and how correctly the wheel alignment of it is established. Lost frontal tire shoulder means over speed driving especially on driver's side and the uneven shoulder wear is caused by subduction lifting posture with rolling and diving invites some sense of unease, this is why the more wear is driver's side.
And stepping serrated wear like a sow tool on outside of the tread surface is affected by irregular wheel alignment and geometric axle construction, this phenomena occurs on both frontal and rear tires. This inconvenient wear like this is observed under toe out setting condition, out side of tread in frontal axle and inside in rear one. Judging from this wear condition on tire wear standing point of view, we can guess the tendency of the way of driving and the condition of axle setting before the survey on wheel alignment and axle constructive geometry.
By the way, I have never come across with any vehicles with even tire wear condition, it goes without my explanations here why? I can pass without worrying about it unless noticing this physical phenomena, but once I know the fact and the truth, I cannot ignore this kind of discrepancy in wheel alignment and axle construction as my nature. Reduce the assembly tolerance and demonstrate the physical performance of the machinery with the original design as the engineers had done with desperate efforts. I don't feel any shame if I insist on the pursuit of the ultimate objective in my own hobby world as a scientist.
And stepping serrated wear like a sow tool on outside of the tread surface is affected by irregular wheel alignment and geometric axle construction, this phenomena occurs on both frontal and rear tires. This inconvenient wear like this is observed under toe out setting condition, out side of tread in frontal axle and inside in rear one. Judging from this wear condition on tire wear standing point of view, we can guess the tendency of the way of driving and the condition of axle setting before the survey on wheel alignment and axle constructive geometry.
By the way, I have never come across with any vehicles with even tire wear condition, it goes without my explanations here why? I can pass without worrying about it unless noticing this physical phenomena, but once I know the fact and the truth, I cannot ignore this kind of discrepancy in wheel alignment and axle construction as my nature. Reduce the assembly tolerance and demonstrate the physical performance of the machinery with the original design as the engineers had done with desperate efforts. I don't feel any shame if I insist on the pursuit of the ultimate objective in my own hobby world as a scientist.
Thrust correction
Thrust error has observed in NCP10 TOYOTA Vitz this morning, right side potential trend means minus thrust angle. Permissible range as it might be, plus minus 10 minutes following The European Automobile Standard, I dare correct it into zero, because the precise adjustment would obtain some completely different driving feel after that. Though the task would be very tiresome requiring desperate concentrations not to make any measuring errors nor adjusting ones, it would be always rewarded. Frontal geometric construction and wheel alignment had been settled last opportunity when the drive shafts, differential output oil seals and hub bearings had been replaced because of strange clicking noise generation. As a countermeasure, setting the wheel bases on both sides at the same value, hub case setting would be adjusted by inserting sim at joint surfaces between trailing arm and hub case promptly. It shows the thrust error all the time that unintentional steering wheel rickety while starting and stopping always combined with that. Thrust error and self steer effect are competing each other at those times. This is the point that I want to correct as aligned correctly. The tire wearing condition affects not a little on the thrust error, at least 100km running is necessary to set up the tire surfaces in newly applied physical conditions. This is why only an attempt could not achieve a final goal.
Geometric adjustment
SXE10 TOYOTA Altezza still remains somewhat dissatisfaction probably because of lack of rear total toe value, around zero or minus, much more rear stability would improve comfortable driving. Precise scaling with Special Tools and adjustment is desired. Enhanced frontal stabilizer bush insertions, 2mm thickness soft rubber pieces must be removed, because the harshness after that is not favorable. Reduction of the frontal compliance by this attempt affect on the rear axle behavior in conjunction with frontal compliance change. Aishin-Seiki 5 speed automatic trans-axle is one of a completed form as a torque converter equipped one, so I appreciate. Needless to say that the trans axle mechanism is one of an indispensable element to achieve a good character and dignity of the model.
VW 1302 Super Beetle has acquired ideal steering stability, actual scaling on rear axle construction would provide ascertain contentment. Odor like antiques comes out from heater ducts? Duct cleaning from the entrance to exit inviting chemical material like some Kalki and mold removal would solve the problem, the same problem B-Vectra has. Now apparent residual disadvantage for Super Beetle is painting with a rusting a bit. As the 2 liquid type Urethane color, #54 Marina Blue is prepared for repainting, I should do that without any escapement.
NCP10 TOYOTA Vitz needs precise scaling and adjusting on rear torsion beam axle construction, probably sim inserting hub inclination adjustment would be performed. Camber and toe direction must be established with combinations. Description like this is easy but an actual procedure is complicated and hard to carry out on earth, because some calculations inviting trigonometric function is required. Additionally, shorter wheel base value in smaller automobile require more precise adjustment. The smaller the more difficult.
Minus 60 minutes front camber and minus 90 for rear alignment on XH200 OPEL B-Vectra might be too much inclination for relatively low speed traffic in Japan, on the other hand there must be some resistance and rolling friction occurring camber thrust effect on all the wheels. It too sticky in centric steering wheel position when I try to turn though the stability while straight running is solid and stable so much,30 minutes reduction on each wheel would improve steering comfort?
VW 1302 Super Beetle has acquired ideal steering stability, actual scaling on rear axle construction would provide ascertain contentment. Odor like antiques comes out from heater ducts? Duct cleaning from the entrance to exit inviting chemical material like some Kalki and mold removal would solve the problem, the same problem B-Vectra has. Now apparent residual disadvantage for Super Beetle is painting with a rusting a bit. As the 2 liquid type Urethane color, #54 Marina Blue is prepared for repainting, I should do that without any escapement.
NCP10 TOYOTA Vitz needs precise scaling and adjusting on rear torsion beam axle construction, probably sim inserting hub inclination adjustment would be performed. Camber and toe direction must be established with combinations. Description like this is easy but an actual procedure is complicated and hard to carry out on earth, because some calculations inviting trigonometric function is required. Additionally, shorter wheel base value in smaller automobile require more precise adjustment. The smaller the more difficult.
Minus 60 minutes front camber and minus 90 for rear alignment on XH200 OPEL B-Vectra might be too much inclination for relatively low speed traffic in Japan, on the other hand there must be some resistance and rolling friction occurring camber thrust effect on all the wheels. It too sticky in centric steering wheel position when I try to turn though the stability while straight running is solid and stable so much,30 minutes reduction on each wheel would improve steering comfort?
SLR MC Rokkor 50/1,7
Minolta MC Rokkor 50/1,7 old lens for SLR camera in ancient silver salt period of time was disassembled to adopt on Canon EOS Digital body. Necessary adjusting room for the purpose was constructively observed on helicoid coupling portion. So, the foresight to compensate 0,5mm difference of flange back has established with relief. Lens element was removed from anterior direction as one piece. The construction of lens case was formed with aluminum alloy material, so all the 6 lenses formed Gaussian designing are easily removed to clean closed surfaces in case of emergency like mold invasion. On the other hand, the lens case of later MD lenses were made of engineering plastic, probably one piece plastic casting technology. So, it would be hopeless to disassemble lens case to clean glass pieces. The life of a lighter MD lens even with plastic helicoid construction would end when chronic mold invasion. As a conclusion, old metal case MC lenses are available as consumer durables.
Though the weather condition is not so favorable today because of coming across of Typhoon near to Japan mainland, I'm going out for taking photo to know the potentials of Minolta MD Rokkor 35/2,8 that was modified to adopt on Canon EOS Digital body. The comparison would be done with the second generation of Summilux 50/1,4 on M9, of course I know the condition of developing soft wears are different each other, Canon Digic and Kodak. Anyway I want to recognize again a famous the most unlikely and unparalleled high-dimensional spherical aberration correction between 1,4 and 2,0 in Summilux.
Precise reconstruction
Old Minolta MD Rokkor lens could be modified to adopt on Canon EOS Digital body, so I did on Rokkor-W 35/2,8 utilizing EOS body cap made of engineering plastic. Some anxiety might happen on the bayonet flange connection because of viscoelasticity of plastic, there exists some light weight lenses with plastic bayonet connection, so a Canon genuine plastic body cap parts is applicable for bayonet lens flange connection. Some additional idea has come up in my mind, how about applying the same manner on standard 50mm MC Rokkor lenses that had been star actors while silver salt period of time about 30 years ago. Every camera maker exerted to make up ultimate performance on 50/1,4 as a flagship product. They had been introducing similar Gaussian design with symmetric 6 or 7 element. It might be very interesting to revive typical 50/1,4 on a recent digital image format?
Right side running tendency recommended on NCP10 TOYOTA Vitz last night, so existing minus thrust angle should be corrected after precise scaling by LASER equipped Special Tool. This unpleasant bad habit would be eliminated soon if the constructive designing is some easy-to-move position torsion beam axle construction.
Also the rear toe-in value should be scaled and corrected at the correct state.
I feel too much rolling friction resistance at rear axle portion on VW 1302 Super Beetle after the toe direction adjustment performed the other day, so precise total scaling and re-adjusting would be performed as a following procedure.
Also an opposite phenomena is observed in SXE10 TOYOTA Altezza after a thrust angle adjustment done a week ago, light and illusory feeling from the rear axle, the same manner would be done seeing some opportunity, probably the total toe should be around zero or minus status, so I guess.
Precise checking is required on BC7 SUBARU Legacy LSi US model, because some potentially presenting left side tendency is felt occasionally, as the tendency is very slight as to permissible, so, more precise procedure must be performed form the beginning of scaling wheel base alignments on both side.
Right side running tendency recommended on NCP10 TOYOTA Vitz last night, so existing minus thrust angle should be corrected after precise scaling by LASER equipped Special Tool. This unpleasant bad habit would be eliminated soon if the constructive designing is some easy-to-move position torsion beam axle construction.
Also the rear toe-in value should be scaled and corrected at the correct state.
I feel too much rolling friction resistance at rear axle portion on VW 1302 Super Beetle after the toe direction adjustment performed the other day, so precise total scaling and re-adjusting would be performed as a following procedure.
Also an opposite phenomena is observed in SXE10 TOYOTA Altezza after a thrust angle adjustment done a week ago, light and illusory feeling from the rear axle, the same manner would be done seeing some opportunity, probably the total toe should be around zero or minus status, so I guess.
Precise checking is required on BC7 SUBARU Legacy LSi US model, because some potentially presenting left side tendency is felt occasionally, as the tendency is very slight as to permissible, so, more precise procedure must be performed form the beginning of scaling wheel base alignments on both side.


Two telegraph poles were settled by the Kansai Electric Supply Company in the neighbor of our laboratory this early morning, because some high power wiring are changing following the Public Works and Development Hankyu Rail Way Station. I would be suffered also here all day long today by some noise and vibrations, how come?

Wild species of morning glory in the garden is still in bloom in this colder temperature around 15 degree celcius, this is a most unlikely phenomena, so peoples in neighbor say, this might be caused by any abnormal weather?
Interesting wheel alignment
Rear total toe and it's vector direction(thrust angle) were adjusted on VW1302 Super Beetle yesterday by means of precise measurement with some special horizontal scaling tool equipped with LASER pointer.
Precise procedure brought a completely different driving taste on earth proving that the steering reaction is the most influenced by rear axle constructive axle geometry and wheel alignment. In another words, I might change the driving taste of any automobile in any way I want by adjusting of constructive axle geometry and wheel alignment adjustments.
As we know the running direction of an automobile is dictated by the rear alignment vector angle, so to speak thrust angle, this fact is easily imagined if we remember that a fork lift steers by means of rear wheel control. The error on thrust angel is adjusted by the driver in ordinal passenger's car. We must pay attention here on the point that the frontal axle is so designed as to be adjusted keeping forward automatically, this physical construction is called as self steer effect. The phenomena of this correction has an innate habit to reverse at the speed of 60 km/h, the steering habit changes into different direction.
Though I cannot explain why the clicking point should be at 60 km/h, the elements of caster, SAI, scrub, camber setting should have deepest relations with the phenomena. Thrust angle error is correct by the action of a driver as it is below 60 km, but above that speed too much self steer effect is exerted, so the adjusting direction on the steering wheel reverses. This truth and fact are not so common even among professional engineers. I would try to know how this reversing phenomena happens and to explain from an academic physical point of view.
Precise procedure brought a completely different driving taste on earth proving that the steering reaction is the most influenced by rear axle constructive axle geometry and wheel alignment. In another words, I might change the driving taste of any automobile in any way I want by adjusting of constructive axle geometry and wheel alignment adjustments.
As we know the running direction of an automobile is dictated by the rear alignment vector angle, so to speak thrust angle, this fact is easily imagined if we remember that a fork lift steers by means of rear wheel control. The error on thrust angel is adjusted by the driver in ordinal passenger's car. We must pay attention here on the point that the frontal axle is so designed as to be adjusted keeping forward automatically, this physical construction is called as self steer effect. The phenomena of this correction has an innate habit to reverse at the speed of 60 km/h, the steering habit changes into different direction.
Though I cannot explain why the clicking point should be at 60 km/h, the elements of caster, SAI, scrub, camber setting should have deepest relations with the phenomena. Thrust angle error is correct by the action of a driver as it is below 60 km, but above that speed too much self steer effect is exerted, so the adjusting direction on the steering wheel reverses. This truth and fact are not so common even among professional engineers. I would try to know how this reversing phenomena happens and to explain from an academic physical point of view.
Rear toe adjustment VW1302
12 of 19mm bolts were loosened and re-tightened to arrange wheelbase values of VW1302 Super Beetle today. Ugly toe-out condition was observed after precise measurement inviting a LASER equipped special tool. Unavoidable muscle work as it was to correct the error in the wheel alignment, completely different driving taste was obtained, just I was rewarded in exchange of some back muscle pain. Though toe-in setting and it's direction, thrust vector direction was established, total toe value is not measured because of time limit today, also my concentration capability has ruined after that.
Steering reaction has remarkably improved as to take it like a different one. Improvement on my Super Beetle would be achieved one by one and step by step obtaining better results than before.
As a planning after the establishment of wheelbase values on both side, thrust angle would be adjusted by lateral offset displacement on frontal axle constructive geometry, because the thrust is fixed by total toe adjustment keeping similarity of wheel base values on both side.
Steering reaction has remarkably improved as to take it like a different one. Improvement on my Super Beetle would be achieved one by one and step by step obtaining better results than before.
As a planning after the establishment of wheelbase values on both side, thrust angle would be adjusted by lateral offset displacement on frontal axle constructive geometry, because the thrust is fixed by total toe adjustment keeping similarity of wheel base values on both side.
Leica as a honor
The name plate shown here has been hung so long as for half a century on the wall of well-established Leica shop at Shinsaibashi Namba in OSAKA. Most of the managements of the store had been mainly done by some noble and sophisticated lady called as not "TOKYO Rose" but "OSAKA Leica", the very name plate is now at my hand! Leica is female noun in Germany.
The shop had been continuing to deal only Leica but nothing, all the competitors in OSAKA were at a loss how could she do that with specializing Leica bland only? Overcoming several difficult period of times caused by some domestic economical variations, she could keep her own concept, "Leica".
Anyway she had been dealing only regular imports from Germany and Canada Leitz Company. Her dealing concept must have been based on her innate Prides and Self-esteems for over 50 years of period. Such kind of woman with a resolute as she is, the Leica shop in Daimaru Shinsaibashi was closed on the beginning of this year, because of some her health difficulty influenced by age.
She gave me this marvelous and treasure like name plate for the sake of long term relationships.
The shop had been continuing to deal only Leica but nothing, all the competitors in OSAKA were at a loss how could she do that with specializing Leica bland only? Overcoming several difficult period of times caused by some domestic economical variations, she could keep her own concept, "Leica".
Anyway she had been dealing only regular imports from Germany and Canada Leitz Company. Her dealing concept must have been based on her innate Prides and Self-esteems for over 50 years of period. Such kind of woman with a resolute as she is, the Leica shop in Daimaru Shinsaibashi was closed on the beginning of this year, because of some her health difficulty influenced by age.
She gave me this marvelous and treasure like name plate for the sake of long term relationships.
MD lens modified
Old Minolta SLR lens MD-W Rokkor 35/2,8 has modified to adopt on Canon Eos Digital body successfully. 35mm focal length is convenient for utilizing on APS-C image format as a standard lens. 1 to 2 step iris closing from opened aperture 2,8 could obtain an excellent transparency without any complaints. There is no room to compare with any variable focal length designed zooming lenses. As I have never come across with zoom lens that has some superior performance to my favorite fixed focal lenses, I had already thrown away all of them from my stock even French made Angeniex for Leica Flex. There is no argument in my mind on this decision, because I mobilize my automobile with full fuel tank getting up before dawn praying that I could have good pictures. Actually, tremendous energy is consumed to obtain some good results. I want to have the best equipment if I shoot at the decisive moment over the fate.
Though I'm keeping several old MD Rokkor lenses, the flange back distance value 44mm was the barrier to modify them to suit on Canon Eos body with 44,5mm flange back design meaning that impossible to do that physically. But, deeper consideration on a ignorable 0,5mm distance to interfere focusing at Infinity position led me to an imagination! Any production lens has adjusting construction design to adapt to the decided standard value, so anyone should have some preparation distance and that might compensate the discrepancy of 0,5mm!
I have just proved that my imagination was to the point after arranging and modifying old MD-W 35/2,8 on Canon Eos mount on earth! Separating Eos lens cap made of engineering plastic and adhering on Minolta bayonet flange procedure were not not so difficult task for me comparing with hard and heavy works in an automobile maintenance.
Methyl-metha-acrylate self curing resin was applied to adhere plastic bayonet construction onto lens original flange being utilized as it is on the body flange. Thanks with special materials to combine metal and plastic materials together, 4-Metha, tight and solid coupling was established with any vulnerability. Of course lens rotating stopper pin hole was engraved on the lens flange surface at adapted position.
Now I have a good information from today's task that all the old Minolta MD lenses are capable for the modification using the same procedure as today including already modified Leica lenses set in Minolta lens cylinders.
I've checked both Canon 5DMk3 and 6D actually especially on finder qualities as a next equipment, the choice of 6D has eliminated completely in my mind, however lower price was set on 6D. I should realize before doing that, the smaller pent-prism case with equipped strobe light system together in it means considerable impossible in designing good finder.
Smaller and lighter are not always the requirements to select some favorable equipment if it is some amateur use.
Climate change
Colder morning required much more richer mixture for Solex 34PICT3 carburetor equipped on VW 1600cc Air-cooled flat 4 motor embedded my 1302 Super Beetle, the setting of A/F ratio has bee distorted in leaner direction because of ignorable fuel consumption. Stepping breath phenomena and hesitation while acceleration stage spoils comfortable driving. The smaller screw for air volume adjustment must be closed a little, 1/32 or 1/16 turn to increase fuel supply for all the stages. Now I am re-impressed the physical performance of recent computerized automobiles with the capability to adjust A/F mixture adequately in accordance with the change of external conditions, the outside air temperature and the hysteresis of the motor performance.
More careful checking on rear total toe value and toe direction, thrust angle, would be done on 1302 this afternoon, because tightening of rear trailing arm inner bush has made it clear that there exists some error on the adjustment item, it would be done by adjusting outer arm length in combination with wheel base length checking. Very precise measurement and adjustment with concentration investing keen and sharp intuition would be required to get some achievements.
I have set up a Digital recording system for Medical Clinical field, Canon EOS kiss body, Minolta 50/3,5 Macro Rokkor and US Washington Camera Co.180 degree rotating Special Strobe bracket. Fine transparencies with sense of reality especially of soft tissue would be obtained based on the technology nourished for as long as 40 years, mainly in silver salt generation period of time. But remember here, I have to do all the works by myself that had been done so far by the magazine company? It's so tough but rewarding enough?
More careful checking on rear total toe value and toe direction, thrust angle, would be done on 1302 this afternoon, because tightening of rear trailing arm inner bush has made it clear that there exists some error on the adjustment item, it would be done by adjusting outer arm length in combination with wheel base length checking. Very precise measurement and adjustment with concentration investing keen and sharp intuition would be required to get some achievements.
I have set up a Digital recording system for Medical Clinical field, Canon EOS kiss body, Minolta 50/3,5 Macro Rokkor and US Washington Camera Co.180 degree rotating Special Strobe bracket. Fine transparencies with sense of reality especially of soft tissue would be obtained based on the technology nourished for as long as 40 years, mainly in silver salt generation period of time. But remember here, I have to do all the works by myself that had been done so far by the magazine company? It's so tough but rewarding enough?
30 years old 28/2,0
Visited I Tenkawa village Yoshino in Nara Pref. yesterday for some good work on Minolta MD-Rokkor 28/2,0 in combination with Leica M9 Digital body. The temperature outside was lower at least 5 degree than that of Osaka Plane, actually they had put on some heater in a room.
In order to adopt an old MD-Rokkor wide angle lens on M-bayonet mount, special adapter was manufactured utilizing a lens rear cap and a M body cap adjusting flange back distance to complete focusing at infinity distance. As shown on the cylinder description, closing the iris ring to 8 obtains enough focusing depth from 2m to infinity to shoot ordinal objects, so range finder coupling is not always required for ordinal use. This is why I made up my mind to modify this dead stock lens produced while silver salt generation, over 30 years ago. Every lens makers are designing them utilizing computer analysis method to obtain the best solutions, so the physical property are the similar or the same, no difference is found in the way of expressions.
This Minolta MD-Rokkor 28/2,0 lens is relatively rare production with small amount of production in number, and the performances are excellent compared even with recent same wide angle lenses.
Color, sharpness, correction of distortions and aberrations, vignetting, transition, gradation, texture and total solution capability and potentials are my favorite. So, this survival lens is one of my marvelous treasure even in Digital image period of time.
MD-Rokkor 28/2 on M9
Leitz lens test would be performed today utilizing M9 M-mount body, also Minolta MD Rokkor 28/2 wide angle one would be carried together, the mounting adapter was prepared by combine M-body cap and MD lens cap together establishing flange back distance. Though range finder coupling mechanism does not exist in the adapter, distance measuring is done by reading the descriptions on the helicoid ring, as actual metering is not performed, the deeper focusing on wider angle lens would compensate an inconvenience enough to finish a desired transparencies. As for Elmarit 90/2,8 carrying together today has 90mm length of cylinder design, so lens designing is not some Tele-Photo one like nowadays construction but with a conventional long cylinder. All the Leica-M 90mm lenses were experienced by my actual experiment, the first generation model of Elmarit 90/2,8 remained at my hand now. Shorter and newer designing are not always exceedingly better than former model.
I have some sense of discomfort on Tele-Photo, Aspherical and Apo designing, that cannot be describe in words.
I have some sense of discomfort on Tele-Photo, Aspherical and Apo designing, that cannot be describe in words.
Ashiya Symphony Orchestra
A small piece of pamphlet here reminds me of a fantastic work of perfect concert the day before yesterday held by Ashiya Symphony Orchestra at Fukushima OSAKA. I must put an emphasis on the point that incredibly unusual super orchestra sounds were discerned compared with unlike playing until that evening, every specific sound was heard independently in the condition that instrument was cleanly separated under no loosing the ultimate balance of harmony. Among them, the fullness and thickness of the strings were above words. No tiredness nor boring were felt through all the programs for 2 hours.
The reason was change of conductors into Mr. Sachio Fujioka who is also a conductor of background music of NHK Big Stream Drama "Kiyomori Taira". His way of music expression is balanced at the moment to feel harshness, so splendored as to keep all the audience keep on seats without taking napping a little.
An articulation of violin, viola and cello that were supported by bass sounds sounded so happy taking them in the center of my spinal cord leading to being in my deepest pleasure, I would not be taken them for my lifetime away. What I just ask to a symphony orchestra was the sound to had been played at Fukushima Osaka the other day!
I got some information about the specific string play from a member as one of a base instrument player that there was some inquiry by a new conductor, "All the string phrase should be done with emphasis and much stronger than before, otherwise the audience would fall asleep in long duration." Probably this is the reason for a remarkable improvement of the quality as a established Symphony Orchestra. As a matter of fact that I felt I would like to come for the same concert again, this is a good proof that the team playing quality as a professional has a sufficient, though all the member are formed with amateur persons.
Also, I was much fascinated by a marvelous artistic movement of arm muscles, Deltoideus and Biceps branch2 of violin concert master woman situated just in front of me.
Important rear axle
The steering stability on VW 1302 Super Beetle during both in straight running and in turning curve has remarkably improved as to be leveled with recent automobiles, especially over steering phase is easy to produce by throttle controlling leading to comfortable cruising. This marvelous change was brought only by some modification on the rear trailing arm inner bush to preventing lateral displacement of trailing arm and rear axle construction. We might pay attention to only on frontal steering linkage and it supporting construction when any inconvenience are found on steering reaction, but remember here that the rear axle construction especially to lateral direction has most to do with some strange and bad feeling phenomena. The signal in-put on steering wheel is consumed by the lateral displacement of deformable rear axle construction, this is why the dull,muddy and sticky are perceived by the driver as no action with dead band, initial rising stage has no action till coming to surrender of deformable bushes finish in the construction. So, the prevention of lateral displacement of rear axle construction is very important to establish some astringent steering reaction.
I must make it clear that my intention to modify my Beetle is not arrange the original condition to pull up potentials, but re-acquire the performance of original design, because I love and admire the VW engineer's concepts 40 years ago, if they might have gone.
By the way, recent A segment smaller and low price passenger cars invite torsion beam axle, so they have disadvantages on this point, because their rear axles are so made to distort innately. This opinion is based on my actual experiments tried on EP82 TOYOTA Starlet and BLE SUBARU B4 3L model, though the axle constructions are different, former was rigid and the latter was independent promptly, the results were exactly the same, too much compliance resisting lateral force invited dull steering reactions. The attempt also on Super Beetle has carried out and established the same result as usual. Even small piece of rubber sheets could have brought a great achievement on 40 years VW 1302 Super Beetle.
I must make it clear that my intention to modify my Beetle is not arrange the original condition to pull up potentials, but re-acquire the performance of original design, because I love and admire the VW engineer's concepts 40 years ago, if they might have gone.
By the way, recent A segment smaller and low price passenger cars invite torsion beam axle, so they have disadvantages on this point, because their rear axles are so made to distort innately. This opinion is based on my actual experiments tried on EP82 TOYOTA Starlet and BLE SUBARU B4 3L model, though the axle constructions are different, former was rigid and the latter was independent promptly, the results were exactly the same, too much compliance resisting lateral force invited dull steering reactions. The attempt also on Super Beetle has carried out and established the same result as usual. Even small piece of rubber sheets could have brought a great achievement on 40 years VW 1302 Super Beetle.
VW 1302 IRS established
1mm thickness rubber sim insertion between rear inner rubber bush and trailing arm supporting bracket was performed on VW1302 Super Beetle as mentioned before yesterday. 4 donut- shaped sheets were prepared, with 54-30 sized , for insertion at outer and inner portion promptly and inserted and re-tightened. It took me 3 hours for me to do that, because the long nut prepared 19mm for Hex hinge bolt loosening was not adapted, the size was adjusted into 16mm by hand grinding. The procedure was not so difficult but the time was required to make up a special tool was so, though Hex bolts on trans-axle as oil plugs were 19mm. Applied 1mm thickness rubber sim on outer and inner sides of original inner trailing arm bush has eliminated too much compliance and hysteresis phenomena as imagined. As the results, all the bad steering habit has eliminated, but stiffness of steering centric position, linearity of transition and astringency were obtained in stead. As a matter of fact, push up phenomena has increased but acceptable and hidden right side running habit came out again. Now the suspension and axle construction has become good for precise wheel alignment adjustment, I have to do that soon.
This kind of trifle experiment was so effective to change an automobile character into better condition, this is why I keep making efforts on the experiments onto 1/1 mechanical model like a Beetle. Now my VW1302 Super Beetle has re-acquired the ultimate performance as designed that cannot be done on another Beetle models with Swing Arm axle design.
Rear axle compliance
I want to limit the lateral movement of IRS in VW 1302 Super Beetle, because the displacement of rear axle construction while steering action does affect on the function at the initial rising stage so much. Dull and muddy reaction should be eliminated if the astringency of the steering response, otherwise the advantage of light weight 850kg could not be taken some advantage as a passenger's car that is very rare now. Refreshing, gloating and cleverer riding taste could not be obtained until the escapement of steering power input should be closed everywhere of axle construction, so the lateral arm inner bush deformation behavior would be changed as a experimental attempt today. This kind of reversible modifications could be permitted for an enthusiastic amateur like me, because the condition could be set again as it was without any destruction, if it turned into worse result. I'm sure the steering action would be far improved after the experiment judging from my deposited experiences. I'm going to measure the size of inserting thin rubber sims from now today. I have 9 hours from now before the Ashiya Symphony Regular Concert begins at Fukushima Osaka.
SXE10 thrust angle
Got out I for test driving of SXE10 TOYOTA Altezza after the thrust angle adjustment, as the frontal alignments had been established few days ago. Only 0,60mm external movement of rear toe adjusting linkage rod eliminated the chronic wondering disease thoroughly. As for my surprise, almost I was about to make a rear-end collision on the highway, becoming very sleepy especially if the conditions are overlap, a vehicle with good wheel alignment and after lunch. It's often the case that a well aligned automobile induces sleep, because the reduction frequency on steering adjustment while cruising leads to distraction of concentration.
I wanna put an emphasis on this point that the only disadvantage of establishing the precise wheel alignment is "Induction of Sleep!". We cannot be too careful not to fall into "Sleep" while driving an automobile specially well adjusted one.
I wanna put an emphasis on this point that the only disadvantage of establishing the precise wheel alignment is "Induction of Sleep!". We cannot be too careful not to fall into "Sleep" while driving an automobile specially well adjusted one.
VW 1302 Beetle IRS
Instability on steering reaction of VW1302 Super Beetle has been caused by just a trifle factor, lower tire pressure according to atmospheric lower temperature, 0,2kg/cm2. We have fore seasons with 30 degree temp. differences. It's a matter for being ashamed that I didn't realize the fact immediately in spite of long term experiences with poor sensitivity.
Spent I afternoon yesterday for rear brake shoe adjustment and clutch wire lubrication, both of them are very important to enjoy smooth and comfortable ride, with not two stepping pedal reaction but solid and tight pedal touching and well controllable clutch and pressure plate meeting and engaging without any unnatural wire slipping resistor.
Thanks to this misunderstandings, I could check out the construction of rear trailing arm inner bush mounting construction, a huge Hex headed bolt from diagonally forward direction outside is used as hinge centric fixing pin and axial pressure is exerted by a metal solid washer is utilized. So, it is relatively easy to control the rate of compliance in lateral direction by inserting adjuster sim made of metal or rubber material between bracket and rubber bush external surface imbedded in the lower suspension arm inner hinge. 1mm thickness sim on both inner and outer side would perform the resisting power preventing the movement of the arm in axial direction. The reduction of compliance on this portion would be effective on the stability in exchange for some increase of deterioration of ride, also here occurs as usual.
The improvement of steering reaction at rising stage should be felt so considerably as to fix steering centric position while straight running, this is the result of killing a dead zone of steering performance. I would re-realize that the rear axial compliance has much to do with the rising stage of steering action, so imagine I do. Additionally, the change of the reaction is on the exponential curve, so it would not be so difficult to find out the most suitable rate of compliance for applying the adjusting sim as an experimental trial. This kind of interesting play should be done as an usual manners among the research and development division of every manufacture.
I'm sure that too much compliance applied VW 1302 Super Beetle would graduate from dull and muddy steering action and born again into a different automobile just like a young fish released into some clear stream.
The procedure and the result of this experiment on the rate of rear arm compliance change would be reported here very soon and the easiest way to recover and re-obtain an original or better steering reaction without replacing bush parts here, if the rubber material inside had not been destroyed physically.
Spent I afternoon yesterday for rear brake shoe adjustment and clutch wire lubrication, both of them are very important to enjoy smooth and comfortable ride, with not two stepping pedal reaction but solid and tight pedal touching and well controllable clutch and pressure plate meeting and engaging without any unnatural wire slipping resistor.
Thanks to this misunderstandings, I could check out the construction of rear trailing arm inner bush mounting construction, a huge Hex headed bolt from diagonally forward direction outside is used as hinge centric fixing pin and axial pressure is exerted by a metal solid washer is utilized. So, it is relatively easy to control the rate of compliance in lateral direction by inserting adjuster sim made of metal or rubber material between bracket and rubber bush external surface imbedded in the lower suspension arm inner hinge. 1mm thickness sim on both inner and outer side would perform the resisting power preventing the movement of the arm in axial direction. The reduction of compliance on this portion would be effective on the stability in exchange for some increase of deterioration of ride, also here occurs as usual.
The improvement of steering reaction at rising stage should be felt so considerably as to fix steering centric position while straight running, this is the result of killing a dead zone of steering performance. I would re-realize that the rear axial compliance has much to do with the rising stage of steering action, so imagine I do. Additionally, the change of the reaction is on the exponential curve, so it would not be so difficult to find out the most suitable rate of compliance for applying the adjusting sim as an experimental trial. This kind of interesting play should be done as an usual manners among the research and development division of every manufacture.
I'm sure that too much compliance applied VW 1302 Super Beetle would graduate from dull and muddy steering action and born again into a different automobile just like a young fish released into some clear stream.
The procedure and the result of this experiment on the rate of rear arm compliance change would be reported here very soon and the easiest way to recover and re-obtain an original or better steering reaction without replacing bush parts here, if the rubber material inside had not been destroyed physically.
Mischievous VW1302
A backlash on drug rink and on rear trailing arm brings instability while straight running of VW 1302 Super Beetle, for the former problem, the parts had been replaced but with ignorable bad adaptation with too much clearance and for latter one, a professional engineer says that the replacement of related bushes is one of the indispensable task to be performed, because of 40 years interval after production. Wondering bad habit occurs and it needs some concentration to keep straight running. So, careful checking and experiments are the next work for me to be done as soon as possible.
The performance of steering action is far inferior to BC7 that had been well serviced on the compliance application of mechanical steering constructive designing also lateral displacement of rear axle. No tight corner locking phenomena on BC7 was observed this morning, recovered on this mechanical dysfunction on rear transfer clutch problem?
The performance of steering action is far inferior to BC7 that had been well serviced on the compliance application of mechanical steering constructive designing also lateral displacement of rear axle. No tight corner locking phenomena on BC7 was observed this morning, recovered on this mechanical dysfunction on rear transfer clutch problem?
Which SLR Digital?
The plan to introduce a new SLR digital camera needs much more deeper consideration before purchasing with avoiding the influence by a marketing strategy with manufacturer's commercial advertisements.
I have gotten accustomed to working on APS-C image format area in the conditions of smaller picture angel and multiplying focal length to 1,5 times. All the lenses used on EOS mount are ancient Leica designed ones, no variable focal length zooms, so picture angle adjustment is done by moving myself.
Consequently, have I no inconvenience if the image formatting area should be APS-C that is smaller than original Leica format 36 by 24, yes, the image factor does nothing on me.
As for full sized model, it has been obtained already as M9 range finder model with HK and T-El 135mm, Elmarit 90mm, 2 Summicrons 50mm and 2 Summilux 50mm, MD Rokkor 28/2 and Super Elmar-R 15/3,5.
Judging from the standing point of view of the price and the maturity as a reliable machine, 60D is the model to be obtained I think in addition it has enough interval to be improved as a designed perfect performance? 7D model might be a choice, but smaller size and lighter weight are not the factor to be selected, because the size should be fit on my palm adequately and suitable weight is indispensable in order to avoid camera shake while shooting. The finder quality should be a factor to be put an emphasis on!
I have gotten accustomed to working on APS-C image format area in the conditions of smaller picture angel and multiplying focal length to 1,5 times. All the lenses used on EOS mount are ancient Leica designed ones, no variable focal length zooms, so picture angle adjustment is done by moving myself.
Consequently, have I no inconvenience if the image formatting area should be APS-C that is smaller than original Leica format 36 by 24, yes, the image factor does nothing on me.
As for full sized model, it has been obtained already as M9 range finder model with HK and T-El 135mm, Elmarit 90mm, 2 Summicrons 50mm and 2 Summilux 50mm, MD Rokkor 28/2 and Super Elmar-R 15/3,5.
Judging from the standing point of view of the price and the maturity as a reliable machine, 60D is the model to be obtained I think in addition it has enough interval to be improved as a designed perfect performance? 7D model might be a choice, but smaller size and lighter weight are not the factor to be selected, because the size should be fit on my palm adequately and suitable weight is indispensable in order to avoid camera shake while shooting. The finder quality should be a factor to be put an emphasis on!
Kyoto University in Japan has succeeded in create an egg cells in mouse experiments for the first time in the world. Possibility of producing clone would invite ethical controversy from now. The improvements in Bio-medical field is remarkable recently with new findings. Probably not a few argument and controversy would occur from the ethical point of view.
I've obtained some Leica memorial figurines with some lens design cut model engraved on the round surface. Is there anyone who can tell what this Leica lens is? Five elements, front 3 and rear 2, I guess it might be some sophisticated recent one, for example Summicron 90 Aspherical? It is true that should not be any Vario Zoom lens, judging from the lens embedding cylinder designing.
As mentioned yesterday, our planning to obtain a new real estate for the preparation to live with my son has completely cancelled, so I determined to let him lead his life at Gifu Pref. as he likes for the time being, he is happy to be free as a single person. Something would happen when he makes up his mind to build up his own family any place he wants, of course a foreign place would be possible.
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