
SXE10 TOYOTA Altezza

SXE10 TOYOTA Altezza was serviced on right frontal lower arm repositioning at original geometry and the result was so favorable to satisfy myself, sticking phenomena obtained when the setback was eliminated appeared at steering centric position. This condition could be obtained in the required conditions, no setback, no swung rear end nand lateral axle offset. And this is said on any drive trained, F/F, F/R, R/R and M/R. The accuracy of the adjustment procedure has not improved until the consideration about the influences caused by the error and uncertain factor on SAI value also caster angle of the rear axle construction. Thanks to the addition of the factors to the amount of correction, an desirable result was established. The chronic pitfalls were in a familiar place, the King pin angle. Both BC7 Legacy and SXE10 Altezza are now in running state.

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