
Headlight axis inspection

Headlight axis is one of the most important checking procedure in the periodical inspection by the Authorities.
The high beam should be downed at 30 m distance is the standard, so I remember, but recent inspector ordered me to make the axis at the low beam position, how come?
Even my 16 years old TOYOTA Caldina AZT-241W has the light center round mark on the external lens surfaces at high beam position, not low beam. The fact leads me to the conclusion that the axis inspection should be done at the high beam position in the scenery. I suppose that the lighting systems are fundamental different from old theory while the generation when any modified headlight systems had not been forbidden except the regular lighting equipment, 2 round ones or 4 round ones.
Anyway, always I ignore their suggestion and pretend low beam position, but actually high beam, in addition giving slight motor rotation up till the voltage regulator activated, compensating some lack of light value.
As this kind of inspection by the Authorities is an indispensable opportunity to make me work seriously, for a geriatric, half distress and half enjoy.
Consequently, I did it more precisely today on my Air-cooled Beetle 1302 and slightly adjusted, some primitive mathematical calculation utilizing Trigonometric function make it possible in my closed garage.
This is why I prepare for 2 year periodical inspection by myself, for myself and to myself.
My endeavor and capability are tested and inspected with some reason every 2 years, for avoiding aging I would like to continue this situation till I go to Heaven.

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