
Gastrointenstinal temperature

It is supposed that the stomach condition is affected by the circumstantial temperature, because the enzyme to activate the digestive juice works within very districted temperature. Consequently the temperature fluctuations on stomach tissue near mucosal surface is inconvenient for good digestive procedure, in spite of hotter atomospheric condition obliging taking much water. So the much more consideration is necessary to take excessive water however thirsty he may be, other wise his appetite would be reduced because of malfunction of digestive construction in the body. It should be remembered also to keep the balance of electrolyte of human body fluid is the key to human health.

I got some special vitamin pellet, "Vitadan" produced by Sawai pharmaceutical company, improving nerve and muscle activities. I would report on this medicine later.

No "Makunouchi Lunch" is impressive because it 's good as a total style but not remembered individually which is included promptly.
It was stated by some famous Japanese director in the interview by Kazuyo Katsuma in some TV program. But I don't agree this opinion with overall, because if the Makunouchi lunch is so sophisticated as to satisfy the eater's stomach with enough impressions, it'll be outstandingly remembered by the eater.
People who is satisfied appetite would seek the quality and some refinements in cooking manners.

Though I'm writing blogs every day in poor Janglish, I know best the lack of vocabulary by myself. I had a chance yesterday to talk with French person in English, with making myself understood by him 85%, so mine is not so good but not so bad.

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