
Lawless Websites

Whenever we take any medicine, we cannot be too much sensitive on Side action and Interaction to invite into human body especially there might be some misgivings such as irreversible transition Genetically. Remember that we are now in the world of suspicious information leading to confusion, so we must take best care not to drown in the sea of Fake News. If you want to cause confusion, anyone can easily spread such a bright white lie. The Internet is a convenient way to easily reach anywhere using a website. From a different standing point of view, we can regard it as a superior weapon to reach any place in the world immediately without delay, far better than ICBM because the former destroys the normal function of the brain without any Physical destruction, of course far better than smart bombs. A newly fabricated theory reinforced by Scientific researches would be the strongest weapon in the world, the biggest Aircraft carriers derived with Nuclear engine burdening so sophisticated fighter gets and attackers will not take effect any more. Our thoughts are connected firmly by way of Website no matter how we desire or not. Lawless state in the Website now will continue for the time being and it would be settled sooner or later, who will do that?

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