

North Korea, Syria, Eritonia, Belarus, where four countries have expressed opposition to the resolution condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine at the UN General Assembly. Further abstention are 35, and no vote are 12.

Looking at the unanimous facts of the criticism, there seems to be something big and deep-rooted secret that is not known to the general public.

If you stand on either side of the conflict, the other side will naturally look evil. But as we unravel the historical facts, he says Putin's speech is not wrong. What he says sounds off the mark to us, but in fact he says everything is true.

It's clear, We are on the other side of his Putin!

Deep State, Neo Conservative and  International Jewish Organization on the other side.

It was reported that the U.S. military fighter F18 Hornet would be launched in the field, and we are scared that the parties will finally collide with each other.

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