
Su-31 40 Measure for F3A

Excluding the flutter phenomena on stabilizer end and rudder tip, the construction there were re-made intentionally. Originally, Kyosho Sukhoi Su-31 40 ARF kit was so designed to enjoy slow speed flight 3D maneuver, the speed flight often invited while F3A maneuver is not the purpose, all the moving wings, aileron, rudder and elevator occupy relatively larger area than F3A. This difference of concept has fundamental design concept, so, some re-making is required for preventing the fatal results. Following this principle, all the tail moving wings were done on Su-31 before the first rolling out. Probably, increasing main wing span 10cm and extension of tail moment arm 10cm, and remaking tail moving wings would adopt on to F3A pattern use, these modified are all based on my own experiences for more than half a century with the number of ever lost airplanes number summing up 200. The 40 years old motor YS 60 SR motor would suit with this new model especially while straight rising up maneuver.
Reinforcement on the horn setting area also are indispensable requirement that should be done at any rate, any weak point on the movable wings while maneuver also the item not to be forgotten, pieces of thin plywood would be inserted between horn bases and attaching surfaces keeping the physical property of Redundant system. Realized disadvantage caused by lack of consideration should be measured urgently however difficult it may be. Remember that, "Piled trifles are not trifle, but great." 

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