
Ohmi -Hachiman at Siga prefecture

In the middle of the last month, April, visited I one of the most famous place around Biwa-Lake. I happened to the occasion of  a movie location in Edo period at Ohmi Hachiman. All of the actors and actresses were in Kimono Dress in addition, their hair style were all in Chommage and Nippon-Gami for males and females promptly.
I refrained from taking photo of the movie scenery spontaneously, because I could recommend their desperate effort by not only by the performer but also by the many stuff there.
Just a tourist coming across the chance is not allowed to cheat the worthy shutter chance. I could understand how much effort was required to make up the Edo period stage equipment, from dark early in the morning till evening.
I could do that after asking to give me a permission, not the performer but a piece of some old fashioned gadgets.
The action were performed just in front of Kihei, that is one of the most famous Japanese special restaurant.
My purpose was Kihei and taking a ride in Japanese hand lowing boat under the Cherry Blossoms in full bloom.
The representative of the restaurant is a very friendly with open heart and smiling all the time, giving me some motivation and energy every time.
I promise that the visitor would not be disappointed, sure.

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