
"Begin the Begin" Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!

"Begin the Begin" fell down today under Uncontrolled condition by a trifle reason, the result was irreversible destruction, main wing and fuselage was destroyed into pieces, motor carburetor was distorted, but RX R3008SB and servos are alive and safe.
Careful accident investigation led me to the conclusion that the criminal of the disaster today was just a lack of pin length connecting switch harness and the battery. Also, the pin gripping force is weak, easily slipping off. Probably, this switch harness must be a third party company made.
Just a checking mistake like this brings so regrettable result, my own experience over a half century could not cover the defect living in a connector inside.
I never rely on the finished switch harness but would I make it up by myself utilizing a toggle switch and reliable connectors with taking the best care and deepest checking procedures in future.

Repairing the pressure leak in TETRA Rookie 20 with ENYA SS 35 motor could acquired an originally good performance today, it proved that ENYA throttle valve with fuel throttling mechanism without slow air breed could match well with YS Regulator system.

The first flight of YOSHIOKA Pegasus Acro was performed in combination with YS 45 FS Initial type, it made it possible to draw F3A P19 pattern so freely in the sky, though the motor had not Tuned Pipe but with normal muffler, the performance was good enough to cover all the maneuvers without stress.

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