
Between the rain stops of rainy season

10 times flight of model airplane made me tired from exhaustion today.  Cut and try, try and error repeatedly for 3 airplanes promptly is tiresome. Just flight training is not so troublesome but on the way to adjustment is not the same.

"Hornet " flight test with glass nylon 12-8 on YS 45 FR proved that just a little bit over loaded in no windy condition, so considering some uncertainty factor like strong wind, 12-7,5 would be acceptable, 12-8 GF prop. is not tested today, the answer would be obtained on next Monday.

PILOT Ace B flys well with OS 32 FX motor and Topflite wooden propeller as to draw all of F3A P17 maneuver pattern. Thanks to the sophisticated mixing function equipped in Futaba 10J Radio, even a high wing airplane can roll with straight axis horizontally and vertically. And the main wing with dihedral angle causing rolling action when knife edge maneuver could be cancelled bad manner applying mixing control.

TETRA Rookie 10 with OS 25 LA in combination with YS fuel pressurized system also draw P-17 maneuver full pattern without any stress, of course the smaller the size of airplane becomes, the more difficult to control.
10 size model airplane has unmovable interest to be controlled, it is meaningful to exist and to be obtained.
We should not make little of the smaller model airplanes at all.

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