
These days

An Israel Bar and Restaurant had been opened at the place of OSAKA Umeda 3ird Station building's underground, I'll try soon. Exhibited National flag of the country reminds me of the Anthem, Hatikvah, also some sweet memories tens years ago.

Very calm and gentle slow time flows at Nara old city, so the atmospheric condition there is completely different from that of KYOTO. A relative of my friend opens Sabou(Tea Room) there and I make it a rule to visit her at least twice a year. She has some enough experience as a confectioner and she has some special feelings to make all the cakes to be served on the table by herself and no employment for the purpose.

Physical labor was done at Model Airplane Airport for the preparation of Air-Show being held next Sunday there. Runway maintenance was my business yesterday. Putting long nails at the end and corners of long and broad industrial mat that prevent the development of weed, 300 meter runway makes the pilots feel some sense of security. Not a few big model airplanes would participate in the show on next Sunday.

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