Brazen photographers tended to carry around bright, wide-range zoom lenses. If you didn't like zoom lenses, you had to carry around three types of lenses: wide-angle, standard telephoto, and short-focus. And you had to endure the torture of carrying heavy equipment.
However, with the release of camera bodies equipped with large APS-C-sized image sensors, this common sense is about to be overturned. The pioneer of this idea was Leica, a high-resolution, fixed-lens, high-pixel camera. Probably the Q series. In other words, the idea is that standard and telephoto can be covered, or can be covered, with digital zoom.
With the increase in pixel count of image sensors, the usefulness of digital zoom has come into the spotlight. This is not due to the simple and short-sighted idea that if you make it wide-angle, you can freely crop it on a PC LCD.
The concept of framing to determine the balance on a flat surface and framing to match the subject in three dimensions are fundamentally different.
In other words, this is why the image at the moment when the photographer's three-dimensional concept is incorporated is different from the image cropped on a computer.
Even if the number of pixels is reduced with digital zoom, the difference is clear on LCD.
The high pixel count of image sensors shows another side, leading to the promotion of high-performance wide-angle prime lenses.
This is not limited to the present, but for women and the elderly, it is better to have equipment that is even 1g lighter. It's a different story if you are in a state of madness that blindly believes in high image quality, but small and light is the most important and required thing from the bottom of our herat.
Professional photographers who work hard to endure heavy equipment should think the same way deep down.
So, the Konica EE Matic 42mm/f2.8. This is an original rotating helicoid transplanted to a micro 4/3 mount using a donor lens. It can get as close as 40cm, and the aperture can be adjusted with original blades.
If you remove unnecessary parts such as the lens shutter, it weighs 47 g and looks like this. The ultra-compact and lightweight 82mm/f2.8 lens with 3 groups and 3 elements can be transformed into any shape.
Using a computational photo system, high-resolution shooting is possible and the pixels can be increased several times.
We old-school photographers live in a world that was unimaginable in the days of silver halide film. It feels like we live in a dream world.