As an elderly, I find vehicle inspection and maintenance to be a hassle and a chore. It's a real hassle, and my eyesight is also deteriorating. So, my optical diagnosis would be done next week---probably, rotten crystal tissue on the right side eye would be replaced into artificial one.
Lack of concentration in anything recently must be brought by this criminal---reduced eyesight. Driving license instructor said that my eye's capability is the edge of limitation for licensure.
It took me all day long today to start 11AD 1600 cc Boxer motor in VW Super Beetle, it has been thrown away for a long period of time untouched. Firstly, starter motor does not work with no magnetic switch movement, no sound of magnetic activation and of course no pinion gear noise. Chrogged oil on magnetic switch sliding surface was the reason. Secondary, no first combustion was discerned, how come! After adjusting the point gap to 0.40 mm, TR Igniter was bypassed---no explosion!
Remembering 2 years ago, exactly the same phenomena and situation I was at a loss. Investigation of fuel flow in fuel filter, no liquid was observed---Gasoline was drawn in it by sucking on the filter nozzle---the taste of special liquid was exactly the same as 2 years ago. Remember that the diaphragm mechanical pump does not work if it is not filled with liquid, so however consistently starter motor might rotated and push up the rubber diaphragm, gasoline would not be drawn into carburetor. This is why I did the same as before enduring bad tasting.
In addition, slight idle screw adjustment was required to opening rotation. This is due to the iof motor oil. Temperature might rise up according to season trandision, then idle screw might be closed in a bit.
Pure mechanical old vehicle without any computer controlling requires some special keen skill to maintain with DIY. Once it fails, the reason and cause must be discerned, smelled and felt, why, where, what and how are requirement to be performed, just it might be difficult but interesting, this is why I'm keeping it in spite of geriatric.
When I was young, a skillful mechanic engineer said that Beetle would be a good item to keep all through my life. And I'm following his saying now.
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