While driving after sunset, I have been suffering from the brilliancy by the opposing traffic. Because I have some inconvenience in my eyesight so believed for long time. But my thought was not always correct, but there is an apparent reason!
I come to know that the regulation of headlight axis was changed several times. According to my old memory, Hi-beam should downed at 30 m distance fairly. But now, Hi-beam must light up at 100m distance, how come? Even Lo-beam 40 m! The concept of Hi-beam axis are completely different each other. This might be a part of the reason why I lost the legal inspection in Headlight light checking.
Also, too much shinny opposing vehicles is not always my own eyesight problem but the legal standard has changed into higher axis adjustment.
Consequently, I have adjusted Hi-beam axis following new concept, though I have some confidenson my own adjustment, I'm dropping in pretesting dealer before coming to the Authority.
One more that I realized at the Kobe Land Transport Beaulow, before light axis inspection, an important physical effect was invited---yes, the idea of Thrust Angle that causes so to speak crab running sideway. Just counted as an angle of lateral distribution, no investigation in axle alignment. Though Thrust Angle that is important checking title in the European Safety Standard that should be within plus minus 10 minutes angle value. As a matter of regret, our regulation does not have this title at all. One the other hand, the calibration of EPS center can adjust to make go straight at a moment, but illegal adjustment ignoring physical principle will not last so long.
Then as for break lump activation, the connections between plug and the wiring was not scerten---application of new socket with crimp connection solved the chronic problem.
As for combustion firing timing, one and a half hour driving showed relatively good and smooth rotation while acceleration at idling with ATDC 4 degree.This is the first time in this setting condition, so further investigation is required to obtain the most comfortable driving feeling, adequate vacuum angle advance and centrifugal mechanical effectiveness. The establishment of smooth transition and connections are the next task---very interesting don't you think?
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