
SmallRig #2918

SONY A9 is heavier for its smaller bulk, though the smaller the better, so unbalanced condition between the body size and its weight brings some inconvenience, difficulty in holding tight with the right palm carries some Biological problem such as joint pain withdrawing muscle dysfunction, difficulty in holding tight with thumb finger. I have been looking for any solution unconsciously because I wanted to continue photo shooting in spite of unendurable finger pain while holding camera with 35-105 zoom lens, 1,300gr in total. Finally, I found out it in SmallRig #2918 with the cheapest price. Though I know the smaller the better, too small to handle with relief is not always acceptable. Consequently, I could obtain thumb finger painless and tight camera holding as a matter of fact, in spite of 1,500 gr weight holding condition, free and functional photo shooting style is available. Handle figure and shape modification DIY plays a good part of success this time. Adequate bulk, shape and weight barancing are important for light and cheerful photo shooting life.

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