
VW 1302 Legal inspection

Head light direction and exhaust gas contamination were checked for the preparation of the periodical Legal examination check performed every two years that the regulation of Japanese Road Transport Vehicle Law. Because the light direction was not checked after painting two years ago, it was an indispensable manner for the inspection coming two weeks later at Kobe Hyogo Prefectural Land Transportation Office. Too high as it was and lowered as the matter of fact, it impossible to adjust precisely as to pass the inspection by the authorities without some specific measuring device, it was performed in TOYOTA dealer also exhaust gas test. As for the gas inclusion, 0,09%(4,5% maximum) of CO and 314 PPM(1200 PPM maximum) of HC were the result, I can regard that I did well adjust Solex 34 PICT 3 carburetor utmost prior to the measurement.
Only the Front wheel alignment is inspected in our country, no rear wheel alignment and constructive axle geometry such as the most important element, Thrust angle, the Japanese regulation 100km/h on the highway relatively lower limited speed might be reason for rough standard setting in the Law. So, no anxiety exists in wheel alignment.
My Super Beetle 11AD 1302 is so adjusted to meet with the standardized wheel alignment values as followings:
Camber: R/L negative 40min/40min with driver weight burdened
Toe: 0,8 mm in total
Caster:180 min.
Camber: R/L negative 60min.
Total toe:0
Thrust Angle:0

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