
A matter for pity and regret

In the world of politics, where all sorts of demons and monsters live, common sense doesn't work. I feel like I lost out by getting my hopes up. It was the same during the Tokyo gubernatorial election, wasn't it? In a world where common sense doesn't work, you never know what will happen with the power of money. This trend is the same worldwide. How do you explain the current situation where people who speak the orthodox lose and cunning people who are good at playing tricks win? That's right, it's to children and the younger generation. I wonder how they explain this in the United States, which preaches about justice. 

If we teach lies to the next generation of young people, the same thing will be repeated with the next generation.


Cluster Amaryllis

Seeking cluster amaryllis as a shooting object, I went to Kameoka as usual but in vain. So, drove I to Daikakuji, also in vain, how come? Too early or too late might be a reason. Judging for a blog by a professional photographer, he said too early in Ohara. 

Golf 7 GTI does not bring any fatigue after 6 hours drive with highway and ordinary road, it's because she is a one of the vest vehicle in the world. 

Modified MD Rokkor 35mm/f2.8 by removing posterior module performs well today. Though Z8 weighs a little bit heavier, it's easy to handle as a reliable instrument. MD Macro Rokkor 50mm/f3.5 was accompanied with me today just because of light weight.

Rokkor-PF 45mm/f1.8 donnored by a rangefinder camera Minolta Skymatic 7 must be tried sooner or later. Letter P means 5 group and F means 6 element as Minolta's classification. 

Talking about the difficulty in the designing because of the mirror box existence, it does not be influenced by it if put on the rangefinder body. This is why I prefer the lenses before the SLR period. Not a few modified lenses are waiting for  me untested. Most of them have been done with SONY E-mount, so they are mounted on Nikon Z mount body without any modification if Z-E mount adapter should be set between them of course without any interchanging electric signals.

Nikon F-mount Micro Nikkor 105mm/f4.0 was obtained from Yahoo auction at 1,750 yen, it was Bingo, like a new! Talking about it, I had often applied it in my professional field accompanying with single small strobo by way of Washington Instrument Company's tool.

No complaint about the image quality for 15 years, but I sold it away few years ago, but some regret remained in my heart. This is why I got it  again. Just a little bit heavier compared with Minolta MD Macro 100mm/f4.0, it must be worth introducing, inner cylindrical construction of brons helicoid construction as a durable goods. The result would be later.


A monster product

SONY announces newly developed medium format image sensor, 53.5X40, a diagonally 64.84 mm (Type 4.1) CMOS active type image sensor with square pixel array and 247.04 M effective pixels. 

We appreciate the biggest effort by the engineers in the field.Do we have a new generation on the image quality, especially in the field of uncountable phenomena, transparency, openness and airiness? 

Quiffy item

A charming lens for Nikon Z mount I advocated in these days?

I said to myself that I should not pay attention on any lens because I have enough already, but a fascinating one appeared with good passionable smell just as if some mischievous Dolly Quiff, perfect & fashionable!

I pretend as if I have no intention to have any relations with such a frivolous and superficial young girl, but I concentrate on her ultimately as a matter of fact. My innate bad habit never be conquered until going up to Heaven.

On the other hand, I have not yet absorbed some experienced datum on 33x44 format in relation with modified lenses, Minolta MD 35/2.8 and Zuiko 9~18 zoom.

The potential in Nikon Z8 on Digital correction of distortion would be checked after the former experimental trials.

Yes, next target would be Nikkor Z 14~30mm/f4.0 S!


Mid-Autumn Moon!

Mid-Autumn Moon, or the Harvest-Moon tonight. Is it possible to observe the same next year? 


Effective Drugs or poisons?

Because so to speak Yellow Monkey as we are Japanese Race, then why is it wrong to utilize us as an experimental trial for Pandemic Vaccination? Our Policy by the Authority is decided to make up mRNA Vaccine in 100 days in Japan, we are the only nation to contribute to the Global Economy by serving  ourselves as the Experimental Animals, Yellow Monkey, Goim. As the last datum show, 80% of us accepted mRNA vaccination already and we are so easy nation to be controlled if only excessive fear were applied. Like a mass sheep group following the sound of guiding bell. We are looked down on enough by the Satan people!

The leader of this movement is Minister Takemi, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Have we fallen so low that we are being subjected to animal testing by some strong external power? 

Have we lost our dignity as human beings?

Complet occupation by US after WW2, 80 years ago, War Guilt Information Program is so successful as to make forget us the degnity of  "Goddes Coutry Japan"? 

As Hideki Tojo said before execution, now our country is controlled by the inner power who flatter foreign powers.

A second lieutenant Hiroo Onoda who kept combatting in Lubang island as long as 30 years more after the thrender, he left Japan to Brazil because he could not accept the Society based on Puppet Japanese Government under US controlling.

US Asian controlling strategy since Perry in 1853 looked successful after WW2 US Pacific Front and New York Times told so after Japanese Unconditional Thrender. 

But, this time they are going to do that so fundamentally. 

"Complete Destruction of Japanese Nation"---Genetically would be carried out! 

The factories that produce Replicon RNA Vaccine are under construction in our country!

Only a moment now, only money and myself only, such a stupid and poor idea shall not valid at all.

It's not too late to realize ourselves by opening our half closed eyes!


Evening Thunder

Loud thunder sound suddenly happened this evening with shower, showing the change of air pressure balance, change of seasons, Summer to Autumn, high temperature in the day time will be reduced day by day.

My nephew collapsed due to a cerebrovascular accident, and my sister's niece came back from overseas to look after him. 

What will be going on in future---I might be of help to them?


KITTE Osaka was built up with the concept of fashionable person, items and affairs at the Southern West ward of JR Osaka station. The place was that of former Osaka Central Post, this is why named following the Japanese pronunciation of post stamp. 

So interesting and eye-opening construction as it is at the beginning, similar with Kyoto station, people will be bored sooner or later. Nothing interesting was found in spite of hi-expectations.

Just because of new construction visitor will come, but no further more. We need something more?

Just a glancing for foreign visitors might be prevailing.


Change of policy

Rissyu has already gone, but outside temp is still higher in the daytime.

I resigned all the photo schools I had been participated and I became an applicant of the newer one. The teacher takes us around to some rare rocations six times for half a year but without any comments nor corrections. Though I have been thinking that comments by the professional are worth to be attentioned, repeating the same procedure for several years proved that such study came to be enough for me.

This is why I have chosen this course by a relatively old female photo professional. Repeated experience for a long time must show me some new findings, so I hope.

Preliminary inspection and location scouting for the next shooting led me to Abe Monjy-in the other day, though rainy a bit. 

The second shooting place is Mt. Kasuga Primeval Forest, and I'll try very soon.

The third one is the night scenery at Sakishima Osaka, carrying tripod must be required.

The First Nagisa Park at the Southern East portion of Biwa lake, Chusho-jima and Ishibutai Aska follow respectively.