
Tour to Mt. Katsuragi

The top of Katsuragi mountain commanded a marvelous view of Asuka Area, a few kilometer down lay broad Yamato Plain. Also, famous 3 Yamato mountains those appears in an old stories were apparent, Miminashi, Unebi and Kagu Mt.s.
The dinner menu served after bathing at an inn "Kogen Lodge" was "Kamo Nabe", so to speak "Hot Duck Pot" was above words, our stomachs were fulfilled as a matter of fact.

The temperature outside in the early morning was 3 degree celsius and air was purified utmost, it came into my lunge provocatively.
That kind of atmospheric condition could not be experienced until I went up to the mountain.
The biochemical color changing of leaves comes from a specified Enzyme inside secreted according to an alternation of temperature, the mechanism of leave falling is the same.
All of the visited places in Nara Pref., Tenkawa village, Tanzan schlime and old tombs were not so crowded in a week day.
The purpose of visiting Tenkawa is to inspect a very special item exhibited there, Wright Cyclone Duplex R-3350 -18 cylinder exhaust turbine charged radial motor mounted on Boeing Bomber 29 that was shot down deep in the mountain and deserted as long as 78 years. Thouhg it was just a deceased lyric now, fine industrial works supported with US sophisticated technologies were observed everywhere in it.
Our photographer's tour was successful with good reputation, as a matter of fact.

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