
"Sugar" in Moushi

As I mentioned before, I make it a rule to visit on a small restaurant situated just on top of the mountain near to Buddhism Eitaku temple at Mousi village near Sasayama, just because it is on the way to or way back of my usual driving root. Noteworthy is a woman working there, a wife of the owner, is unusually friendly and talkative as to make all the visitors feel peaceful, this is the prior reason to visit a small but heart-warm restaurant, "Sugar". As for a small dog long kept there did not barked last time in the end of last December, how come?, being alive?
I made up my mind to stop my bad habit, occasional smoking, complete refraining from it from the beginning of this year till I go. I just remembered that I had made promise to stop it together with the representative of a construction company, "Royal Home". So do I and she must do that!

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