
Standard lenses

4 standard 50 mm lenses shown in the photos have Leica M mount bayonet connections, that have been kept at my hand after twists and turns for as long as 40 years, almost of all Leica lenses were tried in the interval including oldest ones with L39 screw mount lenses. Of course, not a few money was wasted while that time, but I don't have any regret on the stupid behavior, because the fact that I did something utmost till I'm bored noticing myself why I'm doing this? Everyone who did utmost on anything till being bored would never do the same on another thing again?
The reason why I had decided to purchase an expensive Leica M9 exceeding Canon EOS 1DX is to survive those memorial four lenses on the full sized digital imaging format. As any deeper experiments are not performed yes, I'm looking for them in very near future taking some time period. Some professional photographic reporter says that, he thought it medium format when he saw a picture by full sized image format, 36 by 24, but he thought again it must be the same as large format image when he came across with M9, doing on the capability of resolution.

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