
Generation gap

10 years old GOLF 7 GTI is living with me in good spirit, no problem, very little operations on the Engine mount and transaxle mount were performed the other day. 

On the other hand, 50 years old and mischievous Quiff, Super Beetle 1302S stands on the opposite side with me in between.

Because of too hot weather condition and no air conditioning situation, my Super Beetle is made it a rule not to drive in a severe season for 2 months. So, 2 times on the way go and back to Kobe Road Transport Bealau, I could drive 1302S model with some fresh feeling and I found something unnatural while curvin in town speed---probably because of 20 degree rotational angle---steering reaction responds strange with drifting.

Steering idler arm hinge axis rod looseness and wear are suspitious---wear of plastic insert? Deeper investigation with disassembling on the point would be done in addition seeking the most adequate 20 degree rotation by adjusting front total toe value. Not a few muscle works are  waiting---she does not permit me free. She never assists me with any sophisticated mechanism such as power steering, power window, vacuum brake assist and pre-mentioned air-conditioning at all.


Hella H4 with position lamp was acceptable

Because of cold weather, rainy and unfavorable condition is lasting today. As I had cleared emission gas test, no anxiety existed, only the headlight Hi-beam axis and brake lamp were the title today to be re-checked by the Authority. Priorly adjustment by the professional dealer around the Kobe Land Transport Bureau was performed at 1,200 yen. Consequently, inspection was done so smooth and quickly with self-confidence. 

As for newly prepared VW genuine headlamp, Hella H4 with positioning lamp is not so popular even in Yahoo auction. I doubted some inconvenient problem such as light distribution or Hi and Lo relation to invite our safety standard regulation.

But the trial done actually today proved that my worrying was in vain. The position lam in Hella H4 is not wired, because it is already exist on the the top of the fender, no double wiring is forbidden legally.

Both Hi and Lo light is dark so much, so acceleration for motor rotation more than idling speed while being tested was required to compensate the distributed lower voltage. Over 50 years time passing must have caused the increase of resistor of wiring. Some countermeasure such as additioning a light relay and new wiring are in my mind for a long time.

It is said that the more difficult a child is to handle, the more cuter she is, and I completely agree with this opinion.



Consideration on Headlight axis

While driving after sunset, I have been suffering from the brilliancy by the opposing traffic. Because I have some inconvenience in my eyesight so believed for long time. But my thought was not always correct, but there is an apparent reason!

I come to know that the regulation of headlight axis was changed several times. According to my old memory, Hi-beam should downed at 30 m distance fairly. But now, Hi-beam must light up at 100m distance, how come?  Even Lo-beam 40 m! The concept of Hi-beam axis are completely different each other. This might be a part of the reason why I lost the legal inspection in Headlight light checking. 

Also, too much shinny opposing vehicles is not always my own eyesight problem but the legal standard has changed into higher axis adjustment.

Consequently, I have adjusted Hi-beam axis following new concept, though I have some confidenson my own adjustment, I'm dropping in pretesting dealer before coming to the Authority.

One more that I realized at the Kobe Land Transport Beaulow, before light axis inspection, an important physical effect was invited---yes, the idea of Thrust Angle that causes so to speak crab running sideway. Just counted as  an angle of lateral distribution, no investigation in axle alignment. Though Thrust Angle that is important checking title in the European Safety Standard that should be within plus minus 10 minutes angle value. As a matter of regret, our regulation does not have this title at all. One the other hand, the calibration of EPS center can adjust to make go straight at a moment, but illegal adjustment ignoring physical principle will not last so long.

Then as for break lump activation, the connections between plug and the wiring was not scerten---application of new socket with crimp connection solved the chronic problem.

As for combustion firing timing, one and a half hour driving showed relatively good and smooth rotation while acceleration at idling with ATDC 4 degree.This is the first time in this setting condition, so further investigation is required to obtain the most comfortable driving feeling, adequate vacuum angle advance and centrifugal mechanical effectiveness. The establishment of smooth transition and connections are the next task---very interesting don't you think? 


Headlight Hi-beam axis inspection

Very primitive mistake when I got the headlight Hi-beam inspection was doubted, remembering the moment later. I've ever heard about that blunder tens years ago. I must have done it against my intention. I'm filled with regret about that! I went passing through with Lo-beam on the checking line, how poor I was at all! It might sound excuse with shame, Hi-beam indicator light was failed, did not shine and I was at a loss. The reflected image on the testing device was the sign at that moment, and I chose Lo-beam twice.

Though I was occupied by my business yesterday, I'm completely free all day long today---I can spare my time fully on my Super Beetle.

Firstly, I must identify the Hi-beam indicator lamp in the round meter craster, removing it and destroy all the porcelain sealing material from the socket base. And putting a new different type of small 12V bulb for wiring with solder, put some amount of Plaster of Paris for holding glass tube. This un-straightforward method would be invited to fit with old style socket mount. Hi-beam indicator lamp activation is indispensable to be repaired first. Troublesome and complicated measure must be overcome at any rate. The Satan whispers behind my ears saying that through it away and sell it because I've done it enough, how come? Then I ask to myself, do I have another alternative way to spend some boring free time today?