
Plagiarism, secret theft, imitation, homage, parody?

It must be a reason to be admired a white race that Jesus Christ is drawn in a ancient pictures as a white. And the world had been controlled by them until the end of 20th century so broadly without shame or even now after 80 years later some white group might do the same behind.

Consequently, some inferiority complex has been planted in the deeper part of heart, especially among Asian people, once under the control by European advanced countries, Spain, Portugal, UK, France, Belgium and Dutch, etc.

Such kind of distorted admiration to European white race might cause to imitate them by changing hair color also eye's into green or blue, not red like rabbit, implanting plastic material to increase their nose height imaging Cleopatra. But, even a single operative report is not observed in the field to put osteo material in Radius, Fibula and Femur, the purpose is not lesions but changing aspect ratio by extending the length of lower part. Their attentions are concentrated only on their upper part including hair color, lower hair is not died. 

Remember here, Inferiority complex leads people into strange and stupid direction like WW2 related countries had experienced.

Changing title here to the main proposition.

Some famous film and camera company has proposed their future dealing policy to follow behind (to imitate, to pretend) the German historical company, once Ernst Leitz, GMBH now Leica company? They want to establish their Brand Image like Leica by producing Gimmick like Leica M models---without shame? They are controlled by some China money though they are producing cameras neighbor country now?

Not a few imitating companies had been bankrupted because they had not known the true hardships to Create the Original product.

You don't study on the historical truth and fact at all?

Proverb says, "A sumo wrestler who uses someone else's loincloth is sure to lose!".

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