
Rainy & cold today

Unfavorable weather condition with low temp prevents me from going out today. This kind of atmospheric condition permits no active work but writing in my professional field with just keeping myself in front of LCD.
Know hows, principles and back ground piled in my researching period are still in my memory, they are so to speak residue in my brain just like that remaining dust in the cylinder of an used combustion motor.
I feel relieved after getting them out by describing on the article papers.
To tell the truth, I did not realize that it a holiday today till I recognize workers in my family did not get up at usual time. It means that I'm living my daily lives without the perception of the differentiation of the days of the week.
After 45 years period of time I had retired my business field completely, some potential behavior remains to control myself with any reason.
Every environmental condition would be changed as new Spring season, next week!

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