
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

The only Asian country that sided with the Allied Powers in the last war. China's presence will not have a big impact, but it may join if the current communist regime changes. Above all, the establishment of a treaty organization will be essential to counter the world's worst gangster nation, the United States. In some cases, it may join with the former Warsaw Pact nations.

The Asian countries that won their independence from the United States, Britain, and other European colonial nations will naturally want our country to be the representative of the new organization.

As the only country in the world to have been attacked by nuclear weapons, it is only natural that we have the right to nuclear armaments. All the surrounding countries are nuclear-armed nations with different regimes. This is only natural, as we are surrounded by them.

Our country has established rocket technology and already has supremacy over the world.

Unless we remove the more than 100 US military bases that are spread out over the whole of Japan, from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu and Okinawa in the south, unreasonably hidden in the chaos of the defeat, our country cannot be truly independent. 

Yes, dissolution of US-Japan Security Treaty and Pseudo Alliancy!

We are fed up with the current situation, where we are being forced to submit by force and the US is making strange demands.

The replicon vaccine factory under construction in our country must be immediately closed. It is not acceptable to use Japanese citizens as guinea pigs for drugs that modify genes.

Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacked by US as The Nuclear Experiments on Humans! Do we accept the same again?

Isn't it about time We stood up as "The land of Goddes, Japan"?

My old friend

I was impressed by what a high-ranking Israeli official said to me about the current situation in our country, where we are not attacked by any enemy countries. "Japan is like another planet". In Haifa, it is natural for young female soldiers to carry Uzi small machine guns on their shoulders like handbags and to stand guard in the city. They do not know when a bus will explode in a terrorist attack. Rockets and missiles fall from the sky. They are always in a tense state, close to death. 

On the other hand, we have never heard the sound of gunpowder exploding, and have never even seen a handgun. The same goes for our soldiers, who only see them during disaster relief. Also, those who mistakenly believe that the reason we are not invaded from the outside is because of the peace constitution and the non-war constitution shout against the Self-Defense Forces. We only know about war on TV screens, so it is difficult for us to realize how naive and peace-dazed we are, immersed in the warm waters of the Resort health center. 

From Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu and Okinawa in the south, there are more than 100 US military bases for the US's Asia-Middle East strategy, and certainly not for the protection of the Japanese people or Japan. No, if we maintain the US military bases, it may indirectly become like that, but don't get me wrong, the US has no intention of fighting for the Yellow Monkey any more. Our country is merely being conveniently used for the US's world domination, which was already planned when Captain Matthew C. Perry arrived at Shimoda in 1853. 

US invited so horrible method to carry out their original strategy. Our country has been attacked twice by nuclear weapons, so we are the only country in the world that has the right to possess nuclear weapons as a matter of fact. We are not shouting about non-nuclearism because we have suffered terrible things and are scared. The more we shout about it, the more we should understand that we are promoting nuclear powers. We are intentionally educated without being taught modern history. We are completely controlled by external forces. Instead of learning from "Broadcast information" on TV, newspapers, and radio, we should accurately grasp the current situation from "Communication information" and search history not from the past, but from the present to the past. We would naturally come to the same conclusion. 

When we are exposed to low-level, non-stop information, the burden on the brain stem is small, so we are brainwashed without realizing it. As a result, our five senses degenerate. This is what they mean when they say that 100 million people are becoming idiots.

Remember that we cannot battle with them except gaining cunning and sly, not with the concept of Justice like an infant.

Let's look up the blue and peaceful sky, but the same as the center of the biggest Typhoon, don't you think?


Our peace will last?

A year ago, when the conflict in the Gaza Strip flared up again and 40,000 people had already died, I feared Hezbollah's participation. Because if things continued like this, it would develop into a real war. It is completely different from Hamas, the Gaza militia that continues to resist with homemade rockets, and Syria, which supports this organization, a de facto army deployed in southern Lebanon, is supported by Russia. 

However, if Syria as a state launches a missile attack on Israel, it will not end well. Israel, which has vowed to retaliate, will naturally take action, and the conflict will not remain a fight between states, but will develop into a full-scale war. This is bound to happen. The United States and NATO are still secretly supporting Ukraine, even though they have already lost. Exhausted by the rigid situation, they will shift their focus from Ukraine to the two countries, rekindling the de facto US-Russia proxy war. 

People who have fallen into a world of madness will not understand ethics, morality, or social conventions, and will kill each other until the energy of anger and sadness is fully released. Just like us in the past, world peace will be fleeting and ugly massacres will be repeated again. Foreigners are starting to flee Lebanon and Syria. US and other concerned nations' warships are being sent to the shores of Beirut. These places will be flooded with refugees again. 

When will the world learn the concept of so-called sincerity? I sincerely hope that this will not lead to World War 3.