I have leaded my life in my country for 75 years in the safest circumstantial condition in the world, for the sake of the extraordinary alliance with US. But, it sounds good to be an alliance, and we claim to be an independent nation, in reality our government is a puppet regime that is completely dependent on the United States.
US controls us thoroughly by scattering US Military bases all over our country, over 100 in number. Consequently, we have been put under the control by her politically and economically since our unconditional surrender to the alliancy countries 80 years ago. In addition, we are the only enemy country in the world opposing to the group, it's very strange ---? It's true that the fact is clearly written in the United Nations Charter!
To tell the truth, I'm completely bored this warm water spring condition! Changing of air method in my residual life, it occurred in my mind!
Yes, moving to South America, Peru! This is an indispensable opportunity to change my residual span of life!
Even if I think about myself, I have nothing special left to remember here, almost I have done what I wanted.
15 years younger cousin had some inconvenience, he has been suffering from Cerebrovascular disease that happened harf a year ago here.
His sister who married to a Peruvian wants to take him there, I will accompany with them to take care of him together with them. Not so easy but not so difficult for me, because my former occupation was a healthcare professionals.
Let's see what will happen in very near future.