
Cicada egg laying

I came across to the scenery of egg laying by a female cicada in the evening. This is my first experience and it was recorded for a few minutes.
Specific marking on the branch surface attached at equal intervals was observed, judging from it's attitude, an egg must be invested there one by one.
Careful checking reveled that such kind of markings were found on several branches. Female one succeeded in mating had done it?
A few years later, next generation would come out on the ground and do the same----, so I hope.
An ant is fighting on secretion fluid, but not on the cicada itself. I wanna know that how an ant can tell a cadaver and living one?
It must have a capability to catch special odor due to protein degeneration?


Summer season

I feel some fundamental love to any living thing on the Earth. Hottest season in Kinki area comes this year, Tenjin Ceremony on Okawa was held last night and the people there must have enjoyed enough traditional poetry. The same events are repeated every year.
Finding out Cicadas in my garden with loud crying for seeking female intending next generation. They are quite a rare ones to have come out on the ground overcoming a lot of hard ships in the muddy circumstance as long as a few year, and the ground surfaces are covered with new construction and road pavements, on the other hand the life after coming on the ground is very short, a week avoiding the attacks by the predators such as birds.
I hope the couple in the picture would make wishes and they would come true for the next generation.


A motor maintenance table

Visited I the airfield Uzurano the day before yesterday, being situated at Himeji northern part.
It is not active now, that was not used for more than 75 years since at the end of Great East Asia War. There existed Kawanisi Aircraft Manufacturing Company and a number of fighter was produced including the purpose of Kamikaze Special Attack. Now all the factory constructions were removed and the only airfield remains.
Unusual table was there just beside of stone monuments as shown.
The original design was for the maintenance of the fighter's motor burdened in "Shidenkai" at that period of time. US code name is "George". Also, 2000 Hp motor was called as "Homare" produced by "Nakajima Aircraft" in Tokyo.
These special tables were sold away to unofficial after the war and  this only one has returned back recently.
Piled and peeled paints layers show it's longer history with sadness.