
A new season

Very cute vase nourished Cherry blossom has begun to bloom a few days ago, and once started the blooming would proceed progressively. The prevailing Bus-Tour information are recommended everywhere for Sakura Sight Seeing. The social atmospheric condition is becoming lighter and lighter according to the change of seasons toward coming Spring.
As for my own social duty has almost eliminated because of the retirement from my 45 years lasted occupation.
Residual one is the request for a writing a book in our specific field by the professional publisher.
The essential is almost prepared and 30 % of the branches and leaves are decorated now. Though I have never recommended the writing work as one of a profession, now I feel it a work immovably to be done.
Remembering the past that some tremendous time had been wasted to search and to visit library scattered in the country, but now, I can do that without any efforts like before just sitting in front of LCD, because the entrance of International Library is fully opened just in front of me, this circumstantial change of the method of searching the related articles is a remarkably eye-opening phenomena recently.
The more conveniently the way for researching the related articles becomes, the less opportunity hits our desired and reliable truths and facts. It is not started that the safer way had been chosen to establish a research in a limited time period by utilizing so to speak Copper Iron-ism, most of the time the conclusion is apparently proved before starting the research, we should know that the huge Ocean filled with worthless articles prevents young researchers from proceeding their vigorous research activities.

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