
About digital archive

Only a part of copying device was found for duplicating transparencies into digital datum, the main close up focusing is missing for the purpose, how come. I have to seek and prepare for big task to change analogue datum into digital archive, this must be carried out at any rate, not to be ignored undone. Leica formatting transparencies are available, but how shall I do on larger ones, 6by4,5, 6by7, and 4by5 inch? Anyway some effective method to obtain good duplication in digital datum should be considered except introducing the way utilizing an expensive film scanner.

Digital recording system has invited in our business in accordance with my son's opinion, now we are making a basic datum in-put stage, our free time would be fully occupied by this boring works today.

Stagnant stage for over 24 years must be broken if it has been relatively better after some period of time, otherwise this stable condition would last by continuous efforts with subconscious wish to keep the same and monotonous atmosphere. Change of air in our laboratory is hoped to be changed into that with modern equipments, no pretense is arrowed like a geriatric who is ignorant and impossible in any advanced IT system. I must stand now however tough jobs are required for our next generation. 

I have re-realized again the fact that a tripod for fixing camera body while exposing is processing especially for small and light compact digital camera. In order to obtain some clean, clear and astringent transparency, a very adequate weigh and bulk are required for hand folding shutter processing.

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