
Velbon cu-head

I happened to come across with a tiny panning ball head for smaller camera at Umeda Photo shop in Umeda the first building yesterday. Pinching finger action can release its slipping resistor and 90 degree position by a simple action is available, outlet and no guarantee at 500 yen was quite a bargain price at all. Velbon cu-head is the name of this item. Vulnerable engineering plastic construction as it is to support 1 kiro gram, still it is fashionable because of 100 gram weight. So far as remote shuttering system is invited such as Image Edge by SONY, it is applicable only with no strong wind blowing condition. This item would be brought to the next shooting at Kyoto Northern Saga, Daikaku-jJi to Osawa Pond would be the walking course. Probably, pics would be taken with putting Cluster Amaryllis as a main actress or sub one, low angle shooting style would be required.

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