
Air cooled VW 1302S

In spite of rainy and cloudy climate today, went I out for ancient VW Beetle to Wakayama city.
Checking old car, the Beetle remembered me of 40 years ago, sweetest younger hood memories.
The frequency of conversations met each other, so later negotiations on the price would decide the epilogue of this affair.

Why now VW 1302S?
The automobiles I'm keeping have acquired ideal and innate performance recently. Then I lead my life like this with these autos. in future with no fascinating emotions? I don't change anything, I'll go so monotonous future life as to bored with accelerations.
Probablly the next machinery would be the final one for me, so deepest considerations are necessary before the next purchase.
Time consuming maintenance on comming VW 1302S that's 48 years old would be an adequate target for my future life.
Two torsion bar type frontal axle 1200 LS model had been experienced while my young hood for 50,000 km use in yellow color.
As for newer experience on VW air-cooled Beetle, sophisticated model, frontal strut and rear independent suspension constructive designing are preferred.
Another fascinate white beauty exists to tell the truth, same aged white 1302S but a bit newer with 25,000km. The word newer has special meaning here, very short period of time production differences caused critical problems on earth, black plastic trimmed craster facial and big and ugly tail lamps.
But the great advantage for this model is it's beautiful original painting like new car this is carried out be keeping it in the garage room with sealing.
Now I'm at a loss which to choose.

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