
Kitano-tenmangu yesterday

Kitano-Tenmangu in Kyoto Kamigyo-Ku is the United shrine of 12,000 scattered Tenmangus and Tenjin-shrines all over Japan land. This place is the origin of Tenjin-faith founded in 0947 over 1,000 years ago together with Dazaifu-Tenmangu in Kyushu. And is famous for Autumn leaves and Ume plum blossoms in addition to the enshrining of Sugawara no Michizane as a guardian deity for Academic achievement and Martial art improvement. 711,664 square feet place allows 1,500 plum trees with 50 different kinds are available in this season. Shrine maidens and priests all welcome you with a smile and warmth. Slopes are prepared beside the center stone steps so wheelchair users are acceptable. 

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