
Candidate Audi A3 8P-CAX got well & fine Plum flower

Periodical legal inspection by the authority was successfully done on my Audi A3 ABA 8P-CAX today at Kobe Hyogo Land Transport Branch Office. As for car battery changed into 75D23L instead of european formula, no complaint was disserned by the inspector at all. 

Due to the inspection form that was automatically issued with the necessary information filled in by the reservation code, it ended up being two sheets with a certificate stamp attached, and I was confused. A certificate stamp must be attached on the sheet according to the reservation code. It's a new matter.

The inspection certificate issued today containes small laminated IC tag, just like the previous Air-cooled Beetle a few weeks ago.   

As I could imagined the good timing for plum flowers this year, I dropped in Koto Plum Tree Garden and Nakayam Kannon, and they were both to the point, Bingo! 

Consequently, Plum flowers are over and the next is Cherry Blossom! 

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